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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. The newfound feelgood factor is already starting to be replaced by worry, what with Cuthbert, McKeown, Barr and Connolly looking decidedly dodgy (where do these rumours of going Falkirk come from?) and now the prospect of the Witch's last game at Stark's. As fantastic as Cuthbert has been, I might greet when the Witch says goodbye...
  2. I'd be equally happy with Craig Barr getting another year. We're immense at the back now with Tosh in front. Or Hardie for next year. Or Connolly. All of these.
  3. Can't understand anyone thinking Davidson doesn't deserve a contract or isn't worth one. Has been a good signing IMO.
  4. I'd like him to stay, based on what I've seen. Doubt he'll be going back to Utd and I'd say we have as much chance as anyone else if he's looking for something. Good connection with McKinnon via his old man, close to home etc. Wait and see of course, but I'd be hopeful. RMcK has already spoken about one or two players already identified and being brought in for next year - Connolly might be one of them.
  5. Too many raosters complaining about our not signing a "proper" or "recognised" or "proven" or even an "out and out striker". If you're any of these things, a) you've most likely got a club because you're one of these things, and b) Raith isn't a sexy club. We're mid table flatterers. We were nicknamed "The Great Tantalisers" in the past. If you're any of these things and without a club for whatever reason, there will be at least half a dozen other options available to you, from bottom half of premier to others in this league with more money. It's not like there's a glut of these fellys hanging around training pitches shouting "geez a game". Our best bet is to sign someone whose stats and reputation aren't remarkable and hope to witness a transformation, eg Brian Graham, or sign a solid utility player who chips in and gets a share of goals, eg Martin Hardie when they signed him. And Vaughan will be back. And Vaughan and Stewart worked before and it will work again. And we'll have our regular back line. And we've got an army of midfielders to perm a combination from. We're nowhere near good enough to go up and we all know it. A wee shot of realism would go a long way this year and see what can be done next.
  6. Guessing so. Mind you, I think there's a few chaps in the south stand who cut their own hair.
  7. In that case he was sitting a few rows behind me. Fancy blue baseball boots and a Kwik Fit haircut. Looks the part. Sign him.
  8. You'll get nowhere on here with your common sense and logic. Agree wholeheartedly.
  9. Just watched highlights. We look better than I remember us being. Good editing though keeps out Callachan's "I can score from anywhere, me" speculative shots and hospital passes. He's ripping my knitting at the moment. Nor does it show just how awful Scott Robertson was. Not sure video could do that justice though. You have to feel the soul chilling disappointment which comes with signing a player you thought would be great and finding out he's beyond brutal. He'll keep getting a game too because of the financial set-up. Still 4th though. Just.
  10. Report from another Arab says, ironically, that he'd sign Connolly, and is more concerned that they are releasing what might be very good championship players when they look set to be there for a few seasons themselves.
  11. So what's happened to the boy we were looking at from Strathspey Thistle? Have we gone off him? All v quiet on striking front (as usual).
  12. By the way, what was the idea behind the "presentation" to Jon Daly at the Hibs match? A photo of his 1st goal? On the pitch? Cheerio big man, thanks for everything? How many other better players have left the club without even a nod, never mind a photo of a goal? More appropriate would have been a photo of a carthorse pishing money down a drain. Equally difficult photo to get your hands on, granted.
  13. Seems Ray disagrees; "With Iain Davidson out injured last weekend we were really thin on the ground in terms of midfielders and if you want to be competing at this level, you need to have resources to compensate for injuries and suspensions." Regarding Ray himself, I know that as of Wednesday night there had been no interest from DUFC. What's happened since then is anyone's guess.
  14. Watch the video again and you can see the defender and keeper both well enough placed to stop Davo's header. Wighton's touch lifts it up over both. Not sure it was going in on its original trajectory.
  15. Money isn't a motivator. It just stops people being dissatisfied.
  16. This is, to a certain extent, baws. Most employees want their employer to succeed. It usually means better reward, and before the tattie bogles come on complaining about their place of work, I said usually. That said, most employees take pride in what they do and many take pride in who they work for. Not everyone is out for themselves and themselves alone in singular mercenary mode. I don't think McKinnon is a mercenary. I don't know him, but he's no Ian Black. I think he does indeed have the club's best interest at heart, and of course he will expect some reward if he can improve fortunes. On the way though his motivation and inspiration will come from job enrichment and enlargement. He will get satisfaction and pride from improving the club. He'll also get financial reward. I don't believe the latter is driving his actions and thoughts.
  17. Ach cheer up Michael. Ray has shown he's got his finger on the pulse - he'll sort it oot when he can.
  18. I'd have him in the team. Anyone would have gone pish playing for McCoist. Get him signed.
  19. Actually signing a ghost might be cool. Could materialise anywhere in the box and ping one in. Could be the kind of ghoulscorer we need. Ghoulscorer. See what I did there?
  20. McFadden is a busted flush, imo. Has done nothing of note since his once-in-a-lifetime strike against le French and failed to set anything alight anywhere since he came back to Scotland. Has struggled to get regular games at the clubs he's been at and again, in my opinion, based on not much more than observation and perception, has an attitude problem. He is not the player we're looking for. It would be like signing a ghost. Of course if we sign him and he scores 25 I'll eat my deerstalker hat.
  21. I noticed Toshney limping early on after what seemed like a bad landing then seem to run it off. I said to my son that I wasn't sure he was fully fit. Toshney I mean, not my son. Now we know.
  22. Away back to the seaside league forum with your years old patter.
  23. Er, forgive me in advance but the Witch looked awfy culpable at that 2nd Dundee goal did he not? Went down like a venetian blind / in instalments / insert your own quip. Here's hoping that's his one mistake per season over and done with.
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