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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. I wouldn't lie to get in cheap. I'd actually choose not to go, and have done, for many seasons now.
  2. And I think you meant "recouping", not "recuperating". I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Remember, cheats never prosper.
  3. What the actual hell are you on about? I never mentioned disabled folk. I referred only to cash cheats, like you, who unashamedly confessed to deliberately defrauding other clubs. Away and sit doon.
  4. All my bluster? You were talking about cheating the host club to get in. I was simply pointing out that you appear then to be a fraudster. Our CEOs post about the challenges of running an operation shows that cheats in general (not just you, you roaster) cost clubs like ours significant money. Money which could be put to good use in one way or another. But so long as you're happy....
  5. I'm not talking about the game in general, or your fivers. I'm talking about individual clubs, and how they have to find a very fine line to balance the books, as we've all seen in recent years. We're paying more because life costs more. Clubs like ours rely on gate money as an important element of the operation, and to cheat them does no-one any favours. You, sir, are a cad.
  6. Well done you, getting in on the cheap. Just don't be coming on here any time soon bemoaning lack of players, lack of progress, lack of options etc. You do realise the club is a business don't you? An unusual business granted; one whose success relies heavily on goodwill and esprit de corps and is majorly affected by weather, injury, discipline and cash.
  7. Oh, and one more thing before I shuffle off for my cocoa and blanket bath. Yesterday I saw some of our supporters having stand up arguments with each other, during the game. One chap sitting about halfway up, slightly left of goal, and another about 5 rows behind, standing, shouting, pointing, and pretty wound up. Wtf is going on? We're all in this together and none of us are enjoying it at the moment. And now the players want to fight us too! Good job Alex Brash isn't here any more. Or Bobby Glennie. Or Ian Gibson. Then you'd know about it.
  8. I was there yesterday for the first time in a good few weeks, and it was as bipolar a display as I've seen in a many a season. I rejoiced when I saw the teamsheet implying 4-3-3 and rejoiced once more when we actually played that way, and looked pretty decent too. Ah the memories of Weir, Wales and Smith...... Imagine then my surprise to see us revert to 4-4-2 upon Casa's departure and how quickly we reverted to heidless chickens in fear of the inevitable. We sat further and further back, our passing went to shit, we had no-one to hold onto the ball even if they HAD received it forward of the half way line, and we could still have been playing and never scored; Baird's unlucky rebound aside. Walker was poor, and out of order. Don't get dragged in. To those on his back - you have short memories. To go from hero to zero in a few months, there must be something amiss - confidence, self belief, or faith in the manager. Hamill was EXCRUCIATING. He is nothing but USELESS. Williamson, to my complete horror, was pretty decent, and should have stayed on, allowing Hamill instead to get the chips on in the dressing room. Ellis was poor too. I could go on. The one brighter light in the enveloping gloom was Casa. Once fit, he will make a difference. Particularly if we stick to 4-3-3, drop Hamill (permanently) and find a better midfield blend. Oh and back 4 has to be Donaldson, Murray, Ellis and Dyer. If we don't, he might not make much difference. So there. By the way, this is a new account because I screwed up my original. This isn't my first post, and I'm old enough to have seen Murray McDermott replacing Bobby Reid, so you whippersnappers, away with your pish.
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