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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. That's funny cause the bakehouse was at the harbour.[emoji33] Don't disagree. But there was also an oven in the High St shop, from whence they produced hot pies.
  2. Of course you can still avail yourself of a Pillans pie in the town, but they're shady imitations of the originals. I used to buy mine straight out the oven in the Pillans shop which is now Tony's kebabarama at the traffic lights. Different times.
  3. Can we just get that microphone away to f**k? The "technical issues we're having today" are the same issues we've been having for weeks on end. Whilst I'd normally consider it a blessing not to hear the shite "well done big man" patter trotted out to every ex or current player being interviewed, the fucking racket being generated by that Fisher Price mike set is much worse. Especially when we don't switch the b*****d off. Get up to PC World or Argos on Monday and buy a new one, ffs. Oh and special shout out to the half time confetti ticket whirlwind storm. So pretty.
  4. I thought Vaughan was disappointing today. His distribution was pretty poor and I think he's still trying too hard. Robertson, as others have said, was classy and I liked the look of Murray again. Wee word for Osei too, who showed well in his 10 mins or so. I'm quite heartened by the display - some good play and chances. We should be ok.
  5. Stick Mvoto up front. On last night's display (and judging by results in your other friendlies) he's as good an option as your "strikers".
  6. I know it was just a friendly but you didn't come through to get pumped, did you? Mcmanus played like that all of last season bar maybe 4 games. Mvoto will have you holding your breath with every touch. Who's your no 5? He's not very good is he?, and wee Joe is finished. Work to be done in the auld grey toun, it seems.
  7. Wow. Friendly and aĺl that, but they didn't come through here to get beat. Some work to do, Dunfy? No 5 is brutal. 15 too. Cardle's finished. McManus as deadly as I remember. Big Jock still a bombscare. We, on the other hand, looked nifty. Pleasing.
  8. We could all be dead by then. Nothing like getting it out there early to make some summer sales eh? Nothing like it.
  9. Change tack slightly - what's the chat with the new strip? AUFC had a body painted topless wifie illustrating theirs. I'd be happy if someone would just draw it.
  10. That goal against the Pars at Stark's last season though...........ooft.
  11. POTY was voted before Jean's monumental collapse in form which contributed very directly to our relegation. Mind you, with ghosts in midfield and non-striking strikers in front of him, it's little wonder his nerves went to pieces. No big loss.
  12. See? So clever. Deliberate spelling mistakes and writing like he's Prince to make us think he's thick as f**k. Gonna be a long season reading the nonsense from these tattie bogles.
  13. Top banter. Wee Jockie is clearly one to watch. So clever.
  14. Remember when J Thomson was out and Davidson was filling in? He was better than Thomson had been. I think he acquitted himself well at RB but will happily concede he has no place in midfield any more. I'm not saying he's a choice defender either, and I'm not sure we can afford to have a backfill player hanging around, but he doesn't warrant the constant abuse he gets on here from some.
  15. How about we get our fingers out and make an appointment? I'd imagine season ticket sales, for example, are at zero just now.
  16. Because Ellis has considerable history with the club over several spells and in several roles. Owes the club nothing. McKinnon, on the other hand, despite the understandable stuff about boyhood club etc, shit the nest at a crucial point in the season, directly affecting the team's performance.
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