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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Dundee are awaiting to find out if we will get away tickets from Dundee Council.
  2. Dundee United Away. I’ll take that.
  3. Think a lot of us just cba and a lot of people aren't going due to the prices.
  4. Got a bit of hangover myself and going today. Hibs have got the pricing wrong today hence the low capacity.
  5. Charles the knob will be seething at the pubs being packed tonight in the city centre of Edinburgh.
  6. Could be the lowest capacity crowd here for the first time in a long time.
  7. Good to hear. These losers will be laughed at for many years to come.
  8. These people will take a long time to get back to normal. I'm looking forward to the complaints in a few weeks when travelling to Hampden on the train for the Moldova game of people not wearing masks.
  9. "20 years of missionary might be good enough for you, but it wasn't good enough for Nikki Bella"
  10. Any update on next week’s game against us? Can see rhe requirements for wearing masks at stadiums binned soon.
  11. Masks must be worn at all times in the internal areas of Easter Road as per Government guidelines and personal sanitisers will be allowed to be brought in. We also urge supporters to use the sanitization stations provided around the stadium. We ask supporters not to congregate in the concourses, to avoid crowded spaces, and to keep to the left on the stairs, passageways and the vomitories. Social distancing is gone so why is the club still doing these social distancing rules apart from the masks of course. https://www.hibernianfc.co.uk/article/supporter-information-ahead-of-kilmarnock
  12. Doidge out for sometime. We really need a centre-back and a striker in soon or the fans will go mental.
  13. Send me your address and I’ll send it over with my jet pack.
  14. That defending is fucking pish. New defence needed.
  15. 1 centre back on pitch. Why has it taken the recruitment team so long to sign another center-back.
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