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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. WWE really are fucking cringeworthy Absolutely pathetic booking for Cesaro there.
  2. http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/young-celtic-fan-jay-to-see-samaras-at-world-cup-1-3458606
  3. @JerryLawler: Best seat in the house...mine and hers! http://t.co/0CBbeqPhro
  4. Michael Nelson is free to go. Please will someone just sign him
  5. Fucksake lads. Never meant to turn this into a fight
  6. Will need to think about it mate. Don't know if i can handle sitting in amongst the Hearts fans
  7. You going mate? I remember being utterly jealous when Barcelona played you's a few years ago but Barca came back to play the following year
  8. Would it be possible to get tickets for this for as a neutral?
  9. I really cannot wait until we play THE Rangers 4 times next season especially 9 days after the referendum date. THE Rangers are truly the most pathetic club in the history of Scottish Football.
  10. Can't wait for the 16th of August. Bring it on you fuckers
  11. Outrageous decision. I'm wanting to go to every Scotland home game in the qualifiers. So either i will have to miss this or miss the scotland game FFS this is like choosing between 2 birds
  12. We need to find a 3rd man mate. There's no way Renee Young will shag just two of us Sorry
  13. Congrats to Soufian el Hassnaoui; just signed a 3-year contract with Heart of Midlothian. #Scotland @CICgroupSFE pic.twitter.com/5iseCJlv72 Reply Retweet Favorite The next Mark De Vires
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