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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Hope both set of supporters enjoy their day tomorrow. Really hope Spoony starts tomorrow after missing out in the last 2 final's.
  2. When is the next WWE event coming to Scotland? Defiantly wanna go
  3. Can i come. I will bring a fine selection of cakes and sandwiches. Please
  4. Anara ‏@_Anara_ 54m f**k france and f**k deschamps! What a shit manager!
  5. Well done Austria - first beard to win since Abba
  6. "Dan, eat a Snickers" "Why?" "Because you turn into a right diva when you're hungry" http://t.co/I1wuW96eZw
  7. I'm shitting myself about our game tomorrow. Lose tomorrow and in the play-offs, we'll be down in the Championship for at least the next 2 years
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