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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Funny how certain WWE Superstars can get done for drink driving or drugs and still keep their jobs but Emma gets fired for stealing an iPod case.
  2. My life's ambition is a threesome with AJ and Paige
  3. WWE really are fucking cringeworthy Absolutely pathetic booking for Cesaro there.
  4. http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/young-celtic-fan-jay-to-see-samaras-at-world-cup-1-3458606
  5. @JerryLawler: Best seat in the house...mine and hers! http://t.co/0CBbeqPhro
  6. Michael Nelson is free to go. Please will someone just sign him
  7. Fucksake lads. Never meant to turn this into a fight
  8. Will need to think about it mate. Don't know if i can handle sitting in amongst the Hearts fans
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