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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Feeling a bit better since last week. Plan is to get my head down after the new year and get a routine going in my life.
  2. Inner Fife? Would be up for this. Go out for a few drinks. We should do this in the summer when the World Cup is on
  3. f**k it pub crawl from Waverley station to Dundee getting off at every stop on the route
  4. To be fair. I would avoid Gorebridge at all costs Gorebridge to Leith sounds dece until a few of us end up getting the train down to Newcastle while being drunk
  5. We should an Edinburgh pub crawl. Starting from Gorebridge
  6. Evening folks Here is another update: Met my ex again and for the last time before training. She asked me why did you not say you we're pissed off about me sleeping with this laddie after I told you on Sunday. I said I was scared of asking you . This laddie was going to be there with her while we were discussing things in case I kicked off but my mate was there to help me through it. She said she wished she never slept with the laddie but I believe that is a load of pish . My mate was trying to get us back together in which she said it would never work. She said we needed to both move on and find someone else. Which I agree. I still reckon and still many others at my training that they're both going out. After speaking to her. I went to get changed and in the changing rooms the laddie was there. Luckily I managed to keep my cool and ignored him. I sat there for 5mins just sitting there quietly then got myself changed. On the pitch, some of them were asking me if I was alright, I said I just wanted to play football and have a laugh. I possibly played my best football of the year tonight. I feel better now. Can't wait for Christmas and the New Year. Now I can start going out on the pull
  7. Cheers mate Will post another update in a while
  8. On my way to meet her the now. Just want to get this over with and enjoy my last training session of the year
  9. Don't know if you have seen my previous posts mate in the last few days. The ex is gonna explain her side of the story to me about what happened on Saturday night between her and this laddie Will post another update on how it went this afternoon on here tonight when i get in
  10. Really looking forward to later on today. Can't wait until i get my ex out of my life for good
  11. Heard a loud noise over my house too mate . Like you said it was quite low
  12. No really mate. Speak to him all the time I'm there.
  13. Mate how you feel if you just split up with your other half (if you have one ) then she goes and sleeps with another laddie. Someone that plays in the same team as you?
  14. Not that close mate . She can do what she wants but it's the fact we've only split up last Tuesday and she then goes and sleep with another laddie. I wouldn't go and pump some lassie when i've just split up with someone She admitted to me she didn't sleep with him when we were dating. Which is good. I just want to fast forward to Wednesday. Get it done and over with and move on .
  15. i was jealous of those two when i was going out with her a few weeks ago and we managed to sort things out 2 weeks ago. Fair enough we aren't together anymore but when you've just split up with someone then go and sleep with someone else a few days later. It is a bit suspicious. Thank f**k it's the last training session on Wednesday for the year. This gives me time to sort myself head out and decide what to do. As it stands i'am gonna pack in my football and find another club because if i'm on the same part of the pitch of him on Wednesday i will likely say something to him .
  16. I'm just gonna go in the changing rooms and just act normal. Pretend i don't know nothing.
  17. I'm gonna play him along on Wednesday. It's our last training session until after the new year.
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