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Sarto Mutiny

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Posts posted by Sarto Mutiny

  1. What actually happens is they give you a general anesthetic to put you under then take turns punching you in the stomach.

    But in all seriousness, sounds like you've caught it early enough and will get it sorted in no time. Hope it works out and I'm sure it will. Going by your posts, you've taken so much and had to go through so much and then you get this. It's monumentally unfair. f**k knows how you even still function. You must be an exceptionally strong guy. You have my total and utter respect, and I'm sure I'm not the only one on here. You're a top guy.

    I couldn't agree more with this.
  2. Made me nauseous in the mornings, clench my jaw constantly, and gave me almost perpetual raging horn. Citalopram the same but without the horn. But then at the time neither myself nor my GP/shrink knew that AD's were a completely inappropriate medication for my illness.

    I was clinically depressed at the time, but I also have Bipolar II which psychiatric services completely refused to take any notice of for years, then misdiagnosed and sent me for wholly inappropriate treatment. With Bipolar, unless you medicate the Bipolar first of all dishing out AD's is a recipe for disaster. Sent me high as a kite, and despite what most people might think hypomania/mania is much more difficult to deal with and more dangerous than the depressive episodes.

    Thanks. Having taken my first one this morning, have had a bit of dry mouth and nausea. Still waiting for the raging horn to kick in though. ;)

  3. I do know someone who took Fluoxetine for a while. The main side-effect I noticed in him was really heavy sweating and constant thirst. I couldn't tell you how effective it was for his mood because I don't know. The list of side-effects for any medication would terrify you to read but it's worth bearing in mind they have to list just about everything that's ever happened to someone while they've been on a medication and most of them won't happen to the individual. See how you go with it and if you find the side-effects too difficult to manage, you can always go back and change to something else. All the best with it.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Aye, my GP covered all the possible side effects - I guess she has to cover every possibility, including the worst case scenarios. The nausea has already kicked in...

    I am never sure whether reading up is a good thing or not. You get the facts, but on the other hand you do tend to focus on the worse things.

    The thing is, I feel absolutely fine around 70% of the time. I can spend days feeling fine, and then I wake up one morning and it hits me, and that's me done. I am signed off work for the foreseeable future, but when I have a day like today I feel perfectly capable of going in, which makes me feel like a bit of a fraud. It's just that there will be many days where I cannot. I hate being so up and down.

  4. Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

  5. As well as Root and Ali did for a while, everyone knew that as soon as one wicket fell the arse would fall out of the innings.

    The Indian team will have known that too, which takes a bit of the pressure off when you need wickets. As soon as England failed to bowl India out in the first innings for 150ish, this was on the cards.

  6. Does anyone actually believe that Indurain won 5 TdF's on the trot whilst riding clean ?

    Was Pedro Delgado clean ?

    Was Bernard Hinault clean ?

    When was the last time anyone was clean ?

    In order...



    Don't know.

    Greg Lemond. I think he was clean.

  7. I really don't think that this kind of thing is unique to Dunfermline or rest of Fife tbf. Most towns large enough to have nightclubs of a reasonable size seem to be the same for whatever reason. I've seen fights in the street every time I've been to Elgin as one example (yes, choice of Joannas or being on lonesome for rest of night).

    However... and as somebody that spent most of their time growing up in West Fife, I hate to say this, but Dunfermline seems to have an abnormally high percentage of 'special' people. As someone who travels the length and breadth of Scotland by public transport I specifically notice this almost every time I encounter the bus station there. Read into that what you will.

    Probably all getting the bus to Inverkeithing. That town is like a failed social experiment.

  8. The parallels with those first Lance tours are so prevalent that it seems improbable to me that Sky are not doping. The inhaler seems even more brazen than Lance, a world class endurance athlete with breathing problems that are induced by exercise just seems unbelievable. It is in line with what many believe about their drug program, they microdope to take a whole bunch of stuff but monitor the levels so they never tip the test. They know how much salbutumol they can give riders a day, probably other things too.

    So it is a pre-emptive measure but he only takes it on certain days. Maybe his special asthma is different to other people but aren't inhalers used when you feel you are having an issue not as a prevention method.

    Froome did not mention asthma in his recent book. Not once. Considering the first half of the book is pretty much a list of excuses about why he was crap until he was 25, that seems especially odd.

  9. Proper read-through-the-fingers material, that. ETA: I wish more cycling journalists had Paul Kimmage's balls.

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