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Everything posted by SGMilne

  1. The point I had made was that if Ross doesn't think the likes of Clark and Chalmers are either good enough to come off the bench - or in the case of Chalmers not even make the bench - then they need moved on. Nicky Clark is on £2500 p/w and Ross clearly doesn't rate him, so we need to move him on. He's a proven goalscorer at Premiership level in spite of being limited, and he'd certainly still be a good player in the Championship so I don't doubt there'd be someone out there willing to take him off our hands, even if it meant us supplementing his salary or giving him the difference up front. Yesterday I watched Robbie Neilson bring on 5 subs, each of whom could easily have started a game and the team would be as good if not better. Jack Ross made two subs and had no interest in bringing anyone else on, because they wouldn't have made any difference. We're not Hearts and don't have their budget but considering what we'll be paying some of those guys who are sitting on the bench good money, they have to be good enough to be called upon when the first XI aren't performing. Anyway, other points I'd made were... - Keeper needs dropped. He can't be as bad as he's shown so far, but when someone's struggling as badly as he is, surely the point of having two first team goalkeepers is that if one isn't performing, the other one steps up. As above, if Ross doesn't trust Erikssen, then we need to offload him and bring in someone he does trust - Liam Smith needs dropped and potentially moved on. I just don't think he's a good right back. In games at Tannadice, everything seems to go through him as well and he just doesn't have the attacking ability and over the last week he's shown he's an easy target for the opposition. Ironically, I felt he performed better in midfield and centre back last season than he ever has at right back. Freeman offers so much more going forward - Behich looks like he'll be a good signing. He had a horror debut but in amongst a lot of poor performers yesterday he got into the box to win the pen and has some dig about him - Cudjoe must play! He's the only player who seems to have a bit of attacking intent at the moment. He lost his man for the second goal but on the whole he did a lot of work tracking back and going forward - Defensive Midfielder is a must. When you are forced to play your best centre back in central midfield, then something's gone wrong with your recruitment. We need some dig in there - 343/352 might be a better option? Last season the trio at the back worked quite well. It reduced our attacking intent but at least we looked steady.
  2. SGMilne


    Jumping in with an apology to Dundee fans and data purists. One of my absolute last things I did before the data lock was add Jack Wilkie into the game, but on autopilot I've made him 26 rather than 16. Balls.
  3. SGMilne


    The thing about Glass is that his injury happened in Thistle's pre-season but well into United's season. So an injury that happened on that date doesn't show up in the game. So I was faced with the unusual choice of having a fit Declan Glass in the Utd squad or the Thistle squad. I took the view that if the injury didn't happen he'd still be at Thistle, so left him there.
  4. SGMilne


    He's at Clyde in the game. We should have got all those loans I think
  5. SGMilne


    We made that change on the 9th so it won't be in the beta but will be in the full release. Thanks for pointing it out though
  6. SGMilne


    The only one that sticks out that I remember not being right is Jeando Fuchs, but apart from him, report it and if we've already changed it then we've already changed it.
  7. SGMilne


    As always, a quick point about the beta when it comes... We're still working on the data as it is just a beta; the game won't be perfect yet by any means. So if there's any data errors (so objective errors rather than subjective opinions on ratings etc) please tag me here and let me know. We still have a small window in which to change them. FWIW the data that's being used will be a little bit out of date, so I think there might be some wage and squad number issues, and I believe that from a league rules standpoint, we don't have the correct substitution rules in for the Scottish Championship.
  8. SGMilne


    Hmm, that's an interesting one as I'm not sure how the coding team will overcome it. I can ask the question
  9. SGMilne


    As far as I'm aware that's done. It's certain in as a Synthetic surface
  10. SGMilne


    Thanks, I'll make sure this is updated, although as yet we don't know what the format for this year's one will be.
  11. SGMilne


    TBF I’m not a regular poster here by any means; I’m very active around release and especially the beta, and that’s when you’re most likely to get a response from me on stuff, as @RandomGuy and others got last year when he reported some issues. i can only change what I know about, and looking at the thread from last year, nobody mentioned a Scottish Cup issue during the beta release period. What exactly is the issue with the Scottish Cup? On the other thing, player pictures are done out with the research team; these issues often happen at the SPFL.
  12. Has this been reported to SI?
  13. That would be a licensing thing. I'm not sure if that's intentional from the SPFL or not.
  14. Apologies to @RandomGuy. here. In amongst a load of Saints tweaks I had discussed with him, as an oversight on my part I didn't update Zander Clark's contract. I also hold my hands up for not including the updated work from my Hamilton researcher. Lots of edits with a short deadline and both are administrative cock-ups from me.
  15. I've gone back and added Anderson's real testimonial date so he won't get one in the game. I've added a hypothetical date of late July next year for Davidson. Please feel free to report any other issues as well.
  16. A few clubs have enough wage budget to sign an additional player but that's about it.
  17. If there are any other data issues that have been spotted, I have a limited window to fix them so please let me know.
  18. What kind of money do you think Hibs should have to spend? As far as I was aware, they spent all their money in the summer.
  19. I've sorted it. For what it's worth I reckon the problem stems from his height being entered as 170cm and it not flagging up to me that that's 5'7 if I'm honest. But I have sorted it. I'd also like to make my usual point of order that you are all currently playing a beta, so expect changes before the game is released proper. Maybe wait until then to start full career games.
  20. For what it's worth I managed to get those Livingston positions fixed for Football Manager 2019. Enjoy.
  21. The way the process of research generally works is that I give out files for people to edit directly. They make the changes, I review them and I import them into the database. Having advertised for a Livingston researcher for now three (or possibly even four or five) years without any interest or uptake for it whatsoever, I asked Callum for his help, but he said he'd rather just answer my questions about Livi rather than edit the files etc himself. And that's fine, but it did mean that in amongst all the other things I was doing, it looks like I either missed some of the info he gave me in one of his emails or I made the changes in the Livi file and didn't re-enter it. Now fair enough, I will hold my hands up to that as he did e-mail it to me, but I get frustrated with the world of absolutes that you see on internet forums where the reaction is that I "completely ignored what 'we' sent them" (you yourself sent me nothing) as if consciously decided to omit that info. The beta was released two weeks ago, and in that time customers have had ample opportunity to report data issues in the appropriate place. We've acted upon as many of the issues raised in the Data Issues thread on the sigames forum as we could, but at some stage we can't make any further changes before the data is finalised for the game's release this week. For issues like that, time has run out. Had @RandomGuy. not tagged me in this, I would never have seen it, and once again - as it probably has been for the last number of years - it would have gone unreported that Jacobs's position was wrong. Oh, but for what it's worth, Callum listed Jacobs as primarily an AMC in the list of positions he sent me.
  22. I thought it was pretty light tbh up until the last 10 minutes or so. With every other Doctor I've felt that there time had come by the time they left the show, but I could have kept watching Capaldi play the Doctor for a lot lomger. My favourite Doctor. https://stuartreviewsstuff.wordpress.com/2017/12/25/doctor-who-twice-upon-a-time-review-i-shall-miss-him-yes-i-shall-miss-him/
  23. I'm sorting out Albion Rovers for FM18 and any help on this would be appreciated guys.... Who would you consider to be Albion Rovers legends?
  24. The sound was fucked on the BBC Scotland feed. Had to watch the last couple of minutes on iPlayer.
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