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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. If we were " fucked" as some believe there would have been a battening down of the hatches , no new players , any agent worth there salt would not allow a player to come here,no sackings of managers etc etc . I've been to many an agm and can't remember too many £'s in the profit column . Granted that was before we went debt free and flying without an overdraft . An auditors report as some on here will know is a no nonsense look at the bare facts without taking into account the emotions that surround the company under scrutiny. Also rough figures from the present year won't be covered and I have to believe that the board have a handle on them . Until we have the full facts and the board answer the correct questions posed to them at the agm it's pure speculation
  2. Jim Mann is/was a nice guy but perhaps didn't fully understand the situation Killie are in and how to get a handle on it and turn it around.
  3. ..and the fact Brian Caldwell ex St Mirren is the general manager
  4. And I got a shot at the wife's away end last night .........doesn't make me gay
  5. Jackson Irvine reminded me of Bambi , all legs going at all angles . The boy could run all day , win balls on the ground and in the air but his final pass was shocking . Like every footballer there ever was there will be their detractors and admirers , from fans that purport to know a lot about football and those that just go for the enjoyment . Both opinions are valid IMO. He came on loan from cellic so I presume they were paying part of his wages and he may have been looked upon as low risk cheap utility type player , hence the readiness to use him in multiple positions ? He has undoubtedly improved at Ross County for reasons known to himself but that could be applied to many players who don't " make it " at one club but do so at another. GGH is a different matter , as many Dee fans will tell you , he excels in the dark blue on a regular basis , at Killie he was an enigma
  6. I've taken an instant liking for our new manager wrt his " cheap shot" comment aimed at the zombies . Doesn't he know that you don't criticise the " establishment"
  7. The words STV and understand don't sit well with me . Wouldn't have been my first choice tbf
  8. ^^^^ squirrel envy It makes a change from wanting a sheep hanging off your cock
  9. Well done cellic for letting a wee team take the piss out of you . Also does Scott Brown dye his hair ?
  10. Our useless board surely won't make any rash decisions again , like giving jigsaw a 3 year contract ? The team have shown in very small patches that they can play but Lockinho altered tactics and personnel for no apparent reason at times . Had Lockinho resigned sooner the wage freed up may have got us 1 or 2 new faces before the transfer window closed , so for that Gary I won't shed any tears at your demise . I'm sure Mrs Budge has a job for you in her hospitality suite
  11. Nae bother ....also what is a pos ? And how do you misinterpret it ?
  12. When I wrote it I was making the point that whatever league we drop down into the diehards will still be there , I was using poetic licence, and drawing on my own experiences.As someone who has followed Killie to all the leagues , when there was only 2 , then 3 and now 4 I am well aware of the leagues that Brechin/Cowdenbeath etc inhabit As you like accuracy or think I have dementia perhaps I should have used Montrose or Queens Park as examples of basement clubs Also for accuracy ...what's that league called that's between the Premiership and the championship you mentioned? See how easy it is to misinterpret a pos.
  13. Well spotted..that's my point , even if we follow follow sevco , the fans will still support Killie
  14. I think most Killie fans will agree that the present team is poor when compared to what we were used to under Mixu/Kenny but to say it's the poorest is a tad harsh , and this comes from a fan who disagreed with the AJ/GL combination from the off . As WRK said any club goes through cycles I just about remember the 64/65/66 season , when we had a great team , but when Walter Macrae took over the football according to my dad was brutal in comparison . In Lockinhos defence he has very little backing from the board which is in turmoil, and this must at the very least be distracting , and fans will inevitably compare the team with the cup winners of 2012 . We aren't down yet and yes we have dodged it for a few seasons now , but even if we do go down IMO it won't be the end of the earth . Imagine a season when we win more than we lose, taking a leek behind the Brechin hedge , standing in the Cowdenbeath dust bowl , the Forfar birdies and filling the away end in the toilet down the A77 . All of this assuming of course we don't do a sevco , but even if we do Kilmarnock FC will survive in some form or another .
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