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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. AA is going to turn Sowah into the new Maldini .......just you wait and see
  2. I’m going baws oot and forecasting an AA masterclass on catenaccio and 0 v 0 . We cannae score in a Govan drugs den and if Morellos is contemplating a move to a big club he won’t be fully concentrating .
  3. 2 female police officer dog handlers on the beat . One says “ I’ve left my knickers at the station “ The other says “ let the dog have a sniff of your fanny and he’ll fetch them for you “ The dog returned 30 minutes later with her knickers , 2 truncheons and 3 of the desk sergeants fingers !
  4. Normally I’d laugh at this , but in the current circumstances ....
  5. Maybe I’m adding 2 + 2 and getting 5 but the lack of signings and the poor administration of the tickets and our CEO gets the bullet . Coincidence ?
  6. The wife was trying to be sexy last night , she laid on the bed sliding her lollipop in and out of her fanny and then licking it . ”Steady love “ I said “ you’ll need that in the morning to see the kids across the road “ .
  7. Well done if only every other diddy team did likewise home games would be much more enjoyable
  8. Maybe we’re just lulling every other team into a sense of false security ....aye that Killie are a right basket case right now , they’re sh! te .its already got Benny moist I see It’s OK folks it’s all part of AA’s master plan copied from Craig Levein’s 2018 campaign , in reverse , sh!te for the 1st third then comes good thereafter. So I don’t want to see anymore of you panic monkeys posting doom laden nonsense Its all under control Honest Fingers crossed Hopefully
  9. Think most Killie fans would’ve had him back on the blink of an eye ! With our lack of a goal threat and his familiarity with Killie I’d have thought we would’ve made an offer for him tbh. That sort of sums us up at the moment , all over the place wrt recruitment
  10. If you can get Irwin to play like he was before he left us ,you’ll have a very decent goal threat . He’s not prolific but isn’t greedy and sets up others .
  11. My penis was in the Guinness book of world records . Then the librarian told me I had to take it out before she called security.
  12. ‘It’s a boy !” I shouted with tears rolling down my face “ I don’t believe it. A boy !” Its at that moment I decided I’d never visit Thailand again .
  13. Don’t think the term “ old firmy “ is apt tbf . We just acted like any other set of fans would have done when their team has a stellar period or run of form and had it happened to your team you’d have reacted in a similar vein, see Hearts for the 1st third of last season . Keep the comments and jibes coming because as you know football fans have long long memories
  14. This is backed up by the pre game interview on KillieTV , it looked as if they couldn’t stand each other.
  15. FFS could only read so many of the posts before I started to feel billious , the heads gone thread on P&B would be a good destination for a fair few of them tbf
  16. Oh well back to struggling in the league . Cant argue with any of the above comments as we got what we deserved , if the comment about the players and AA are true then Billy Bowie may well have a decision to make .AA is perhaps trying to make us a more “expansive footballing team” with players that can’t quite adapt to this style , time will tell . Im off to punish myself by looking in on Killiekickback
  17. There is no battery acid in the batteries in the back of a remote Pedantery of MT levels
  18. Jealousy dripping off the keyboard Hope all teams do well and all of them get into the league’s which I know is a long shot as it will mean we have more money than all the rest of the non entities in the league satisifying Cerberus ‘s jealousy !
  19. The former US ambassador Meyers stated on sky news that there had been several similar reports from UK ambassadors during his time as a diplomat . That’s the problem with having a “ business man” in the White House with no political or diplomatic experiences , sh!t like this goes on all the time but it doesn’t impact on the machinery of government or diplomacy between the countries , nor is it commented on . You just need to have an ultra thin skinned twat like Trump to get wind of it and all hell breaks loose . im reading In Defence of the Realm atm about MI5 and MI6 and part of the job is to compile reports on foreign governments and this sort of thing was happening in the 1930’s and often the UK and USA and commonwealth security agencies would read the reports before the PM or president , and often water them down so as not to cause offence before presenting them to their masters .
  20. Looks like big AA is getting the catenaccio right before all else
  21. Need more details tbh of-this religious bile you were talking about
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