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Posts posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. 1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

    I remember seeing all the smart weapons in the first Iraq war, the Kuwait one, cruise missiles going along the road and turning at the traffic lights and going down chimneys and the like. Then a TV crew filmed RAF bombers getting loaded up at Farnham or somewhere, with pallets and pallets of WW2 style gravity bombs. They banned them from filming after that.

    I always assumed the footage of "smart" weapons was for use in promo videos at the next arms fair, or by neocon hawks like Bolton to "help them along" when Viagra no longer cuts the mustard.

  2. 2 hours ago, virginton said:

    The idea that dropping bombs or launching drone strikes from another continent is in any way more discriminate than field weapons (unless you think that all those Middle East wedding parties were the real targets all along) does not stand up to real world scrutiny. The international order has set rules to persuade itself that war is somehow a precise and manageable conflict. It isn't and never has been in modern history. 

    What you are witnessing on TV is the grim reality of any urban conflict zone - whether it was caused by Western or non-Western forces is irrelevant. 


    I never had you down as a detournement alias, tbf.

    If only NATO, the EU, UK, USA et al knew that the answers lay in joining a Zoom meeting hosted from a basement in Inverclyde, we could have all this wrapped up by the weekend.

  3. 2 hours ago, virginton said:

    I've no idea what your argument is supposed to be here. It is just a Catherine wheel of self-righteous outrage without a salient point. 

    Save that pish for Twitter. 

    There's no argument in my post - simply pointing out that you are trying your usual "I know better than everyone else" pish on a subject you have no qualification to speak on, or real understanding of.

    2 hours ago, virginton said:

    Who exactly is breaking up the fight in this very stupid analogy? You armchair chumps by screaming for NATO escalation? 

    You are the one who is trying to frame this subject as some kind of binary argument where your opinion is the one which matters because of your superior intellect, and anyone who disagrees must be your inferior. Exactly the same MO as you've used ad nauseum in the Covid thread.

    Still, as long as you rack up the greenies, eh, champ?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

    This in spades. I started in Welfare Rights in 2013, Basic station pension in that time has increased by £27.00 per week roughly. The basic rates of ESA, JSA etc have increased over the same period by about £2.50 per week. It therefore boils my piss to almost unnatural levels that anytime working age people in poverty are offered assistance, be it through meagre UC increases or Scottish Social Security assistance, any discussion online is absolutely mobbed by mewling pensioners complaining that they never get anything despite "paying in all my life", or "Why don't I get my Council Tax paid, despite having 2 private pensions and 30K in savings". f**k the f**k off. 

    Working age folk in poverty have borne the brunt of Welfare "reform" over the last 10 years and under these Tory c***s, will undoubtedly continue to do so. 

    The answer, however, is not to penalise pensioners who, obviously have been of working age and contributing through Income Tax and NI throughout that time, because that's how pensions should work. The answer is to start investing, not in vanity shite like HS2 or nukes, but in the people of this country, through training, subsidising new industries, and education. This will not happen principally because the last thing these cúnts want is an educated electorate. Just look at the outcry when a wee bit spotlight has been shone on what the Empire actually meant to the countries we invaded, or when some had the temerity to question how so many "philanthropists" managed to garner the cash to build huge country houses. Much better that the proles keep waving the flag, hating brown people, and performing their menial jobs for survival money at best.


  5. 12 hours ago, red23 said:

    Check the rage, your comment makes no sense what so ever. You must really have little to do in life if you can recall a post from months ago and then try turn it in to something it's not. What a pathetic fool.

    In fairness, that the main thing I connect to your username is a post regarding using alcohol to make an easy target for your attention even easier says quite a lot about the impression you've made. Most posters on here, I could have a good stab at remembering their football and political allegiance, musical taste, type of movies watched, etc.

    You? I just think of you as a seriously dangerous individual where women are concerned. Were I not retiring in a couple of months, I'd be unsurprised to be meeting you in a professional capacity.

  6. On 22/03/2022 at 00:52, Cardle is Magic said:

    If you’ve got the right folk with you then any ground can be a good day out tbf.

    ..although memories of Love Street*, Cappielow**, Ibrokes*** and Porkheid**** would suggest there are exceptions to this rule. Dundee coppers back in the seventies seemed to do their best to dampen our enthusiasm as well, although both grounds were ok once you got in. 

    * Seemed on the verge of collapse whenever the wind got above "gentle breeze". Also seem to remember it being fucking freezing.

    ** Who would have believed it was possible to build a football ground from Lego and Meccano? Only the evolutionary throwbacks of Greenock, apparently.

    *** Obvious reasons.

    ****Same obvious reasons, just wrapped in a different flag.

  7. 53 minutes ago, virginton said:

    War crimes requires significant evidence of conscious intent*. Fighting a war against an armed opponent in a city is going to lead to significant civilian casualties** - or 'collateral damage' as the Yanks prefer to call it - regardless of the army fighting there. 

    That we have built up a completely unrealistic picture of how war should work since 1945*** - and have completely ignored all evidence to the contrary from Vietnam through Ethiopia and Armenia in the past 18 months alone - is really not relevant. You cannot launch an international war crimes charge only on countries that the West doesn't like.***

    * Plenty of evidence including footage and information as to what kind of weapons are being used against what kind of targets.

    ** It's a fucking invasion of a sovereign country, not some equal footing conflict on neutral ground. Civilian casualties, by the very nature of an invasion, will tend to be from the local population - you know, the awkward bastárds defending their homes, families and livelihoods. 

    *** "We"? I'd be interested to know who you think you're speaking on behalf of here, because it certainly isn't me or anyone I know. War, by its very nature, cannot be pursued according to a set of rules. Aggressors will use whatever tactics, weapons and methods will achieve their aims. Defenders will resort to desperation when in extremis. It is never pretty, and cannot be parcelled up neatly in discussions divorced from the reality.

    **** It would, however, be a start. Once you get Putin and the like convicted, we can maybe, just maybe, start asking those bastions of decency like Blair, Bush, Brown, Trump and Obama how their implementation of Foreign Policy were acceptable.

  8. On 19/03/2022 at 13:59, Frosty said:

    Bill Wyman

    Close the thread.

    Is he a song, show or film?

    If we don't get to separate the art from the artist then my album collection is going to hit (low) three figures for the first time since the mid-eighties.

    Fun fact - 1000th LP was "As it Happens" - Dr Feelgood's live opus including FREE! Bonus Encores EP. Bought second-hand from a wee record shop I can't remember the name of in the Davygate Arcade, York - just down from the Wimpy.

  9. The fact that you [mention=37891]WhiteRoseKillie[/mention] believe that ordinary Ukranians have more of a say than Oligarchs and the USA government is a sign of complete idiocy and delusion.
    Forgetting all the evidence of US influence and the role of Kolomoisky how do you explain the Ukranian public having the agency to choose to fight a war when in the UK the public has no control over anything?
    "Fact"? You have attributed a statement to me that I never made. Wee hint: don't lie so blatantly if you want to be taken seriously.
  10. 19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    Aye Ukraine is an anarchist paradise right enough. 

    With insightful and relevant responses like the above, I simply cannot understand how P&B's general opinion is that you're a paranoid simpleton. I simply cannot. 











    Oh, wait..

  11. 10 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    The 'people of Ukraine' don't really get a say do they. It's between the oligarchs and Washington to decide. 


    Take the tinfoil off for a bit, lad. There's no "Oligarchs" or yanks fighting in Ukraine. The people are saying, in the clearest and most emphatic way possible that they're not having this.

  12. 2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

    I don’t see anyone on here arguing this.  Personally I will support the Ukrainian government in whatever decision they take.  But I will not advocate capitulation under the guise of realpolitik.

    If the government and people of Ukraine decide to fight on I would admire their willingness to do so.

    This. It's a decision which I can't imagine having to make, especially for the families who have sought refuge elsewhere having left their husbands, fathers and brothers to fight. Absolutely fucking heartbreaking.

  13. 2 hours ago, BFTD said:

    As many as they're willing to sacrifice themselves. It's not our choice.

    They need outside help to defend themselves, but they aren't going to get it, unfortunately. If they believe that enduring this is better than life under a tyrannical madman, I can't say I blame them.

    Absolutely. Our chance to do something about this was back in the nineties, when these gangsters - not fucking "oligarchs" - were establishing their wee fiefdoms, aided and abetted by greedy bastárds all across the world wanting their slice of the pie. As with so much of our Foreign Policy in recent decades, we should hang our heads in shame for allowing our leaders to put profit before people.

  14. 2 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

    Maybe the best thing is not to stop the war. Maybe the best thing is for the Ukrainians to keep bleeding the Russian military dry whilst the world throttles Russia with sanctions. 


    2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    The Institute for the Study of War published this assessment of the state of the campaign.


    Essentially the initial campaign failed and now we are in a stalemate which could be extremely bloody.  I see that the Ukrainian intelligence service have said that they have indications that Russia is preparing for a general mobilisation, which would mean they are planning for a long-term war.

    A bit more nuanced than the Sage of Inverclyde's "I think you'll find" nonsense.

    Putin's expectation appears to have been that Russia would just roll in to be welcomed by a populace gagging for "liberation" (at least in some areas). That the Ukrainians, for some reason, are prepared to fight for their country came as a surprise. Long-term attrition may well be on the horizon, but Russia's ability to support this level of engagement will be hampered by international sanctions - assuming these are consistently applied, and maintained. Having to maintain a drawn-out "special operation" while pacifying a domestic population forced into poverty may be a balancing act too far for Putin. 

    TL;DR: No idea where we're going, but there's more to this than you'll garner from a thread on a Scots football forum. Not that you'd guess this from the input of our former Covid specialists. To quote Yeats, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."

  15. 3 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    If the game at Rugby Park turns out to be the crucial game then it’ll be the most exciting day of supporting Arbroath for me in probably my whole lifetime (unless we done the unexpected and miraculously got promoted) but certainly up until this point.

    And I know it’s so cliche to do but I have genuinely seen so much shite while watching us. Rarely if ever miss a game from as soon as I remember going. 


    Remember leaving school early on multiple occasions to jump on buses (Sometimes mini buses of a dozen folk) down to Albion Rovers or up to Peterhead. Driving all over the place. Down to Berwick or up to Elgin, few good hidings and some horror shows


    Obviously much more enjoyable going when you can get a drink and jump on a train or bus with your pals but even then there’s been some really awful stuff


    So to even be in this position now is just something else and even if we don’t take it to the wire and we fall away I am over the moon with how much my football club has progressed and improved in every single area the past 6/7 year


    New board coming in have completely transformed us alongside some fantastic work from Dick


    I am delighted and no matter what happens future is bright for us I am sure of it 

    Cracking post, and sums up the lived experience of those of us (the majority) who measure success in glorious one-offs rather than the tedium of "treble trebles", or however-many-in-a-row in a rigged system. I was still in my pram when we won the League, and after what appears to have been a decent '60s, started attending in the 70-71 season. Cue thirty plus years of fúck-all until '97, which was all the sweeter for the wait.

    I wish you and Arbroath many of these Golden Days in the future. You can start by winning the Playoff Final, mind..

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