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Posts posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. 42 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    I honestly thought that the incident yesterday with Starmer would be the big news today; people drawing a straight line between Johnson's comments and the incident. But no - it's nowhere near being a big news story now. All focus is on the "mini reshuffle". 

    I honestly thought, just a few months after another MP was murdered, and memories of how Trump's rhetoric in the US caused a mob to ignite, that this would be the end times for Johnson. But all very quiet on this front today.  

    I'm just hoping that tomorrow's PMQs features either

    a. The incoherent arsehóle actually apologising to the LOTO - not "clarifying" or "expressing regret", actually saying "sorry"; or (by far the more likely)

    b. More bluster and nonsensical avoidance of reality, resulting in a few more missives to Brady.

    I'd prefer (a), would accept (b), but am hoping for, not expecting, either to happen.

    The horrible, horrible bástard will still be in position at least until the LEs in May.


  2. 6 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

    All joking aside, I think ND is spiraling. Each interview she seems much more unhinged than the last. Maybe the events of the last few months are too much for her.

    The reluctance to say if/when she spoke to BoJo is odd. Maybe she is in more contact with him than Carrie knows or would like.... 🤔 

    On Carrie, I've no sympathy that they are now coming after her. She knew exactly what she was doing when she hooked up with him. Not forgetting she was having an affair with him in the knowledge his wife was going through cancer treatment. They are using each other as much ad each other. Either she is just a spice and in which case shouldn't be near 'work meetings' and so he and she is in breach of security acts etc OR she is a working member of Govt and so is fair game for criticism. She cannot have her cake and eat it. 

    Didn't her cúnt of a husband once say that was what the UK could do over Brexit? Although, in fairness, I've always assumed having cake is the normal precursor to eating said cake.

    No point in having it, otherwise.

    Unless, of course, you've got an ambush planned.

  3. My wife watching this on Monday.  I started but kept falling asleep during episode one.  I woke for episode

    the way their kid died...jesus christ surely they could have thought of something less unlikely... then the actual fight scene at the end - its a kid..kick her in the head

    two but thought it was a p*ss take...its truly terrible.  I actually thought it was a spoof at one point.

    Just finished watching “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window” and can honestly say it’s one of the top 10 stupidest things I’ve ever seen. However, if you accept that it’s actually just a comedy from the half way point, it’s very, very enjoyable. The opening 10 minutes of the last episode are some of the most ludicrously funny shit I’ve ever seen.
    I enjoyed it and knew from the title alone it was going to be a spoof of all the recent Girl On The Train type psychological murder mysteries. I liked all the running gags and there were a few Airplane! type one liners, thought Kristen Bell played the part well. The Glenn Close cameo at the end sets it up nicely for a second series.
    Are there seriously people out there who didn't realize this was a spoof?[emoji54] Surely the title was clue enough?
    I quite enjoyed it - Miss Bell is easy on the eye, right enough. It was ridiculous, sure, but fairly consistently ridiculous. I confess I spent a fair bit of the first two episodes trying to work out where I recognized the male lead from without resorting to IMDB. Cracked it, eventually.
  4. Warning: it's excruciating. 
    I've just seen her on Sky. Does she not realise

    1. Why she's getting put in front of the cameras by her Party, and
    2. Why the media are gleefully allowing her to ramble incoherently?

    Imagine even being the most devoted Tory and voting for that as your representative. She comes across as thicker than Truss, which takes some fucking doing.
  5. I’ll assume you are just a permarager looking for an argument and venting about stuff you know f**k all about.
    I supported Ayr through the McLeod era where he spunked the money made in the championship winning season on dreadful players when we went full time. I supported Ayr through the Daziel era where we still hold the British record for the most amount of players used in a season.
    The former led us to George Burley signing youth players released from Premier clubs and jobbers, the latter took us nowhere and we almost went bust. 
    if anyone in the championship thinks it’s a good idea and sustainable to have a full time squad of 25 it isn’t an Ayr fan. 

    The second part of your rant is all bollocks, I wasn’t making out Ayrs season was good, I was highlighting that Kilmarnocks had been so far a footballing and financial disaster.
    I can’t make it any simpler for you unless you want me to do it in picture form
    Sorry, in the what winning season?

  6. In this clip, the bold Jack Straw who last came to my notice, alongside Malcolm Rifkind, during the cash for access scandal, does his best to win over the wavering SNP vote 
    The only guest speaker at over twenty years of POA conference that I ever walked out on. A vain, lying, cheating cűnt who personified the very worst of Blair's government.
  7. Chance for [mention=37891]WhiteRoseKillie[/mention] to meet a genuine working class hero!
    Apart from the geographic clue in my username, the only chance of our paths crossing would be if he decided to attend Durham Miners Gala. Can't see it, tbh - he might catch Socialism.
  8. I'm betting he'll be back to make sure nobody gets the chance to impress the backbenchers as a better leader.
    Even the most loyal of his lickspittles (yes, Nadine, I'm looking at you) is looking increasingly dead eyed when asked to ascribe any measure of competence to the fat chancer. As Starmer said yesterday, every day they debase not only our democracy but themselves.
  9. Boris won't be getting the fine since there is no evidence he personally organised the parties. And the police are there to do his bidding.
    So that is that. Operation Save Big Dog is a Churchillian success.
    Let's just see what happens after the May elections. They'll give an indicator this Thursday's by-election can't as to exactly how much of a millstone he's become to their chances at the next GE.
    That the questions thrown at him in Kyiv were all related to his rearguard action in London suggests this ain't going away anytime soon.

    Any bets on his plane back being delayed to allow him to skive off PMQs tomorrow? If so, could we have Dorries? Pleeaase!!!
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