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Posts posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. On 19/01/2022 at 13:58, NotThePars said:

    Actual Tories are welcome in the Labour Party but not Jeremy Corbyn or Ken Loach. Make sure you give your backing though and STFU.

    And surprise, sur-fucking-prise, years too fucking late..

    I would dearly love to see Ken, in particular stand against that UJ mask-wearing turncoat in the next election - one lost "Labour" deposit I would not mourn.

    No-one, I repeat No-one could possibly run for election on that tory manifesto, continually vote like a good wee party lickspittle and be fit to represent working people just two years later. If he's serious, let him resign his seat and let the CLP select who they want to represent the Party in the resulting by-election. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that traitor. Just because he's crossed the floor in the "right" direction doesn't make him trustworthy, quite the opposite.

  2. Reading John Cooper Clarke - I wanna be yours.
    I am enjoying it, im about a quarter of the way through. Hes a good observer of the little things in life and his memories reflect that.
    Good sense of humour too.
    Full review in due course would be appreciated, as I'm in a bit of an autobiography groove at the moment. Just finished Tom Jones', which was surprisingly readable, and just about got through And Away.., Bob Mortimer's. Still got Bobby Gillespie and Dave Grohl' s to read as well.
    Also currently re-reading The Wee Free Men, as I decided granddaughter the first could do with stepping up from Potter to some proper fantasy writing, and I'm enjoying discussing the story of the Nac Mac Feegle as she takes the first steps to becoming as much of a Pratchett fan as I am. Big Jobs!
  3. 3 "new" posters have shown up it seems and are just stinking the place out. 
    [mention=82292]Rugby Is Terrible[/mention] and [mention=26637]RAITHROVERS84[/mention] stinking up the covid thread (didn't realise this was possible). 
    [mention=81953]SuperSaints1877[/mention] having a go at another user in the eulogies thread - I mean, come on. There are a few threads where having a bunfight is just not in and this is one.  
    Fūck me, I'll happily have a go at [mention=8416]oaksoft[/mention] for a lot of stuff, but that's in poor taste.
    I notice, as well, that at least one of those mentioned was gaily handing red dots around over a week ago. Not because I go looking for behaviour like this, but a fellow poster mentioned it shortly before he disappeared again - hopefully temporarily.
  4. Like some of the guys here have said you might well be fine with on-street parking. If you're after a car park, there's the big Tesco which is about 5/10 minutes' walk from the Chadwick Stand and opposite that there's the car park where the old Safeway used to be. If you do park at the big Tesco, make sure and nip into the Forum Café for some ice cream/sweets for the game.
    ^^^ Ricky V. Likes this.
  5. Now the senior back bencher William Wagg accusing bojo and co with blackmailing of mps to not put letters with threats to cut funding etc in there constituency areas [emoji1787]
    This could be what sinks not only the fat fűckwit, but the actual government.
    Sorry,I can't put a wee laughing emoji here. This is fucking treasonous behaviour.
  6. Yet they generally use English to speak to the rest of the world.  In aviation, shipping, computing, tourism, pop music they get a lot of exposure to English.
    If somebody from Germany wants to speak to someone from Japan, it is likely they will use English.
    Japanese contains a lot of English loan words.  
    This might not have been the case if WW2 had turned out differently.
    Adopting English as the world's lingua franca had bugger all to do with the UK or history of empire. Rather, it was the continuing (and expanding) presence and influence of the Yanks across the globe post-WWII.
    Fun fact - those uppity colonials came within a whisker of adopting German as their national language when the USA was in its formative years.

  7. This seems to be an argument for the licence fee and I can't say I agree tbh. It works out about £12.50 a month and if you had to pay that to watch I wouldn't pay it as it wouldn't be value for money for me given I rarely watch BBC.

    I do watch the odd thing but nowhere near as much as I watch on Netflix or Disney+ which are both cheaper than £159 a year.
    Absolutely. News and current affairs coverage on Netflix is second to none, as well. And as for Disney's blanket coverage of local radio, well..
    (Above post may contain sarcasm)
  8. Toff playbook my arse. It must be a generational thing. If you are going to take £80k per year off hard working taxpayers, at least be able to string a sentence together in English and make an effort with one’s appearance.
    Obviously lost on these SNP jakeys.
    Again, have you seen the chief scarecrow at Westminster? Have you ever heard him utter a coherent sentence?
  9. Firstly, the pitch, while cosmetically on a par with Doug Rougvie's coupon, didn't appear to affect ball movement or the players balance.
    Thistle were good value for at least a draw and could easily have had a couple more.
    Shaw, yet again, is missing chance after chance, i.e.not even forcing the keeper into a save. Wee MacKay played at least one defence splitting ball which should have seen us home. I think he'll be doing more of that, and we need someone to capitalise on it. Big Innes, maybe?
    Taylor looked like he'll do a job for us, although I hope the couple of times he seemed to take a knock were symptomatic of his enthusiasm, and not fragility..
    f**k it, win at home and draw away and we'll go up. Onwards and (hopefully) upwards.

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