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Everything posted by Turkmenbashi

  1. One of my mates caught covid in May (very mildly), and he was telling me he was told to wait 90 days before getting his first jag. This was the first I heard of this, is it true? Or is he talking shite
  2. And most of Europe is catching up with us, using the exact same vaccines as us.
  3. Seems to be only for British people. Seems foreigners are still not allowed in. Unless I understand wrong
  4. My flatmate and his girlfriend both tested negative twice LFTs while both having they thought was a horrendous cold and were insisting to me that it was not covid. Only after both eventually taking a PCR it turns they were positive. Somehow I have managed to avoid getting it though
  5. And from a St Mirren perspective McLean was the better player that season at least.
  6. My girlfriend is due to fly to Scotland in August (she will be double vaccinated be then), and I am confident that it will be possible.
  7. For Belgium at least, it was explicitly stated we can't go in because of the delta variant
  8. Three week gap for Pfizer in most other countries.
  9. My flatmate has probably been ill with it for two weeks. Well he took two lft tests which were negative. Then finally got a positive test on his first PCR on Monday. I have tested negative and have had no symptoms whatsoever. Am I eventually going to get it? Or am have I somehow got lucky.
  10. I shouldn't have read the replies to this. My god they are depressing
  11. Less people have previously been infected in Scotland than England and Wales, so less natural immunity, is one theory.
  12. When I worked in Belgium I believe you are supposed to get tax relief or something on your commute into work. This has the consequence of almost everyone getting a company car (or in my case a company bike), with a fuel card, even for jobs where a car is completely unnecessary. Although I believe if your company car is used for non work related purposes this can also have tax consequences. Also everyone gets food vouchers which are supposed to cover any food, eaten during working hours. Because food eaten during work could be claimed back as tax relief or something like that.
  13. Answer your phone call, if you get it, that is the only enforcement there is. And as has been said, you have buy the test for the passenger locator form. Beyond that just do you what you want
  14. https://www.nhsinform.scot/covid-19-vaccine/after-your-vaccine/get-a-record-of-your-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-status Log online to the link here and it provides details, can request a paper copy if needed
  15. Got my first appointment for the Jag on the 20th this morning. Able to rearrange to Saturday at Glasgow Central Mosque. Get the borders open.
  16. Managed to visit Belgium to see my girlfriend for the first time in 7 months
  17. Same with me as well. I am in my 20's mind so maybe I am not a priority even though I am in plague ridden Glasgow
  18. See he is running in Batley and Spen for Workers Party GB, a pro-Brexit patriotic working class alternative to Keir Starmers Labour.
  19. Even if Alba relatively successful andt here is a supermajority, of SNP, Alba and Green votes, if the total percentage of independence support is 50% or less, it will just be perceived as gaming the system and won't help get those extra needed voters for independence. If SNP were to get over 50% of the vote on the list but even with no benefit of additional list msps that would probably help independence far more. A Indy majority is public support, not more msps.
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