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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Think you're confused about the difference between Darwin's Law and Sod's Law.
  2. Pwoud, vewy pwoud. And to think a 2 hour difference on time zones was the deciding factor! Glad I didn't fall, it's nigh on impossible to get out of the Championship. Unless you're Robbie, of course.
  3. Illiterate b*****ds, too. 'Commonsense', indeed. Do they never spell-check their statements or are they just too desperate to get their perma-rage into the public domain?
  4. Hopefully, the hope doesn't kill us this time. I hope.
  5. Right, a concerted effort to top the league some time in the next three months. A man's gotta have goals. This week I'm studying Australasian politics and geography. I'd study their culture too but, apart from some areas of Papua New Guinea, there is none. Next week it's Japan and then I'll work my way west. Expect to see my quiz scores rise. Or fall.
  6. That'll be cos they still have capital punishment in the States, though.
  7. There should be a cost to guessing: -1 if you get it wrong. That would soon rules out the guessometers and we'd quickly get to a point where we knew just how much we know!
  8. Knew 4, scored 5 for Monday. A disappointing scoreline but, after today's news, I really don't care. It's a beautiful world again and no poxy quiz is going to spoil that.
  9. Which is where we are. Next season can take care of itself.
  10. Bob Servant's chucked his bunnet in the ring. We could do worse. We HAVE done worse. Recently.
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