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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. C. It's full of teams that know how to make things difficult. I'm worried that we'll turn into one of them.
  2. You're right. It's utterly ridiculous. And I'm not complaining, Our innate superiority shining through. Or something.
  3. Just as well I read your post. I thought he said Sheep in the Park. I was digging out my wellies and checking the use-by date on my condom.
  4. A Fray Bentos steak and kidney pie is both the height and depth of human achievement. A whole one with some beans on the side. And a beer.
  5. I read that table as saying that Rangers didn't rely on other funding to pay their team's wage bill. They made enough from tickets and anything they got from TV , prize money and merchandise was disposable income. Other teams weren't so lucky. The only reason I'm defending this is because United came second.
  6. 6 for Wednesday. A couple of good guesses but particularly proud of getting the last question right. That's an excellent quiz question. Mainly because it didn't involve fucking Australia.
  7. A tantalising 9 for Thursday. Got the Deputy PM question wrong which means I guessed the other Aussie question(s) right - I assume a White Christmas slice is of Antipodean origin?
  8. This will be the same NOAL that King swore to the court he had no control over? If the day comes that King can't spend other people's money, he'll wind Rangers up rather than putting in significant amounts of his own savings. IMHO. These accounts are dreadful. You can almost understand the early over-spending, the fear of not getting promoted each season. But, for the losses to increase once they'd settled into the top league is shocking. If their losses had decreased year on year, you'd be thinking there was some kind of plan in place and the losses would eventually be capped but, at the moment it's like a Martingale betting system with the stakes having to increase each season. Even NOAL will run out of cash to plug the leaks eventually. Are you sure the Close Brothers loan was repaid? Note 17 shows £1.2M outstanding and specifically says it's for the same assets as the CB loan. It may have been repaid since but then it comes out of the 2019 accounts.
  9. Forbes Magazine kens An interesting article. It reads almost as if it had been written by one of Rangers' favourite bloggers.
  10. Only my second ever 10 for Friday. A season when it doesn't really matter - looking safe from relegation and extremely unlikely to catch Edmund.
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