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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. And another 4 for Tuesday. One of those questions was very ambiguously worded. You know which one I mean. Yeah, I got it wrong.
  2. 8 for Monday. Guessed the actor right but got the population question wrong. And the Aussie sports question, of course.
  3. You wouldn't find any Scottish bookshops willing to take a chance on it. You'd have to buy it through Amazon - which might send some of The People off to South America to protest.
  4. 7 for Friday. I need to brush up on flags, tennis and 7th wives. Anyone got any 7th wives that need brushing up? I'll start with first wives if necessary and work my way up.
  5. 8 for Thursday. Got the South American and car answers wrong but guessed the Aussie sports question and due west questions right. Which was nice. First 7 right and last 3 wrong on the comedy quiz.
  6. He'll log some points for someone, especially when they enact the Slide Rule.
  7. 8 for Thursday. Got Swaziland wrong, mainly cos I read it as Switzerland! And the women's fitba. And 7 for the comedy quiz.
  8. Knew 4 and scored 6 for Wednesday. Had a look at the bonus point question and I'm buggered if I can work out what the answer was anyway.
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