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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. To be fair to them, was it really all that obvious at the time? I'm hearing rumours about United's parlous financial situation, that we're over-spending on salaries, that Thompson is looking to pull the plug, that the consolidation of the debt last year perhaps wasn't as good a thing for the club (note, Rangers fans, 'club') as it was sold as at the time. What should I be doing about it?
  2. What's happened to the quote function on the site? That's the second post today that's not shown up the quote properly.
  3. And the inability of some to type the full name of the opposing arse-cheek, the extra 'h' in so many words, the refusal to accept that most diddy fans don't have a 'big team'. Apart from that, they're OK.
  4. I've heard this line numerous times now but I'm mystified as to what Rangers fans could have done to save their club in 2012. It was all too late by then. The figure mentioned at the time was 'upwards of £134M'. Assuming 100,000 adult, wage-earning fans, that's over £1300 per fan. Not peanuts. I've no sympathy for the fans - they shoved their over-spending success in our faces for long enough so they can wallow i it now their club's dead - but I'm not sure what they were supposed to do in 2012.
  5. I'd have no problem with banning that term. I can see that it causes you some offense. Was the connection with the KKK part of the original term, though, or has it just acquired that association because someone, looking to be righteously offended, mentioned it? If we ever get to the point where United, and our opponents, can't refer to our fans as Arabs, or even as DABs, then that's the point when I give up.
  6. Unintentional on my part if that's the case. I'd only seen it mentioned on here.
  7. If you put together a list of a dozen terms for Rangers fans (or Celtic fans) and scored off the offensive ones, you could guarantee that the remaining list would be whittled away over the coming months. 'The Orcs' might be 'acceptable' today but, give it a few dodgy associations, someone getting upset about a jpeg or something, and they'd be calling for that term to be banned, too. Where does it end? United and Dundee refer to each other as 'The Fun' and 'The Dirty Arab b*****ds' but we don't go running to the mods or, god forbid, the courts to complain. Genuine question - why do Celtic and Rangers take their outrage to the next level?
  8. I seldom use any catch-all term to cover either of the Old Firm's group of fans so it's no skin off my nose. I just wonder where it will stop, though. Will it just be one banned term after another until we run out of words? Does anyone have the right not to be offended?
  9. Any derogatory terms you would accept for/from either side? Or do we all have to play nice?
  10. 'Green Yins' and 'Currant Buns' both have sectarian underpinnings. 'The Horde', 'The Klan' and 'The Orcs' don't seem to be in the same ballpark - just standard fan-to-fan hatred.
  11. Since they've now had 4 years without success and it's going to be a few years yet before they can pull themselves out of the financial mess they're in, I wonder if a generation of glory-hunters will be lost. Their current full-houses must have some foundation in backs-to-the-wall-up-ye behavior but will there be a dip in 10 or 20 years from now, a lost generation? (Legal note: the above does not necessarily constitute any recognition of unbroken continuity and also stretches credibility in assuming that they'll survive for the next 10 years.)
  12. There are loads of situations where it comes down to one person's word against another - not enough evidence to satisfy a court but everyone 'knows he did it'. On the balance of probabilities, given the personalities involved...
  13. It comes to a choice between believing either an award-winning (OK, it's a small pond) journalist who says something happened but has no material proof or corroboration. A journalist who Rangers' fans say has an anti-Rangers agenda but who might just be a journalist who reports the facts. A journalist who was prepared to stand behind his statement even at the cost of his job. Or the board of RIFC, one of whom has been labelled a GASL by a South African judge. I note that the Herald says Rangers threatened legal action but Rangers haven't publicly refuted Spiers' claim: they've just gone on the offensive. ave they asked the crowd not sing offensive songs recently? Maybe a wee item in small type at the back of the programme?
  14. Wonder why they felt they had to mention that. It's almost as if they're saying one thing and... implying something else.
  15. I'd be interested in hearing what Rangers directors say they are are actively doing to fight bigotry and offensive chanting. Does anyone know?
  16. Maybe we should just have a vote at the start of the season to decide who's going to win the league and who'll get relegated. It would save us playing all those matches.
  17. Aye, it brings it all back. This 'Rangers and Celtic bring in so much - the TV money, the sponsorship money, the gates'. Yes, but they take it all back out again and the diddies still don't benefit. I can feel my hackles rising all over again.
  18. That's where we've got it all wrong. They offloaded the debts onto the old entity.
  19. I heard that. I thought she'd said, 'I've been cut off' but that wouldn't have made sense - why would we have heard her say that? Your version makes more sense. #deafauldchunts
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