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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I started to reply with a quick summary but decided a) that I didn't want to risk repeating anything that might later be regarded as libelous and b) that I was dealing with notoriously lazy Barsteward Bennett: you can do your own bloody reading.
  2. They describe themselves as a 'a website'. But, I've had a read through and there's nothing in their report that anyone, not even a Rangers fan, would dispute. Have a read and let us know whether you'd disagree with anything in there.
  3. I suspect the SFA will just keep ignoring this - they've no incentive to answer. Unless The Offshore Game can get some mainstream media attention, this report will just wither on the vine.
  4. I have this terrible feeling he's not going to make it that far down the road.
  5. Excellent spin. Chapeau, Monsieur. Shite argument but excellent spin.
  6. Confidential information, you say? Do you think he just rolled up his trouser-leg?
  7. I suspect some Rangers fans would like to see every Premiership team go bust so that Rangers can apply to the FA.
  8. OK, I'll say it. "I got it wrong. Today, the scales fell from my eyes and I acknowledge that The SFA have a robust and credible process to investigate King as a F&PP and they were right in their assessment". I think that statement might come back to haunt Rangers fans, though. BTW, when you say 'The SFA', is that like 'The Rangers'? Do you know something we don't?
  9. You're on the wind-up, aren't you? You really can't be that self-delusional.
  10. I'm assuming this certificate of good standing from SARS was received before the SFA made their decision. Strange that they didn't mention it at the time - might have saved so much wasted effort.
  11. To be fair, if the choice was between going bust and starting over or being picked up cheap in a Poundstretcher liquidation sale, I think I'd go with starting again.
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