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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I've got Ross County in the Last Man Standing today. Sorry.
  2. This just confirms mys suspicion that, even if UEFA were to come out and say, 'To clear things up in Scotland, yes, The Rangers are a new club with no continuation of history from the previous Rangers,' your average bear would just ignore and it find some other incontrovertible source. Like the ASA or The Record.
  3. I wonder if they're allowed to do this unilaterally. Legally, I mean. Feck off, Puma
  4. Either TonyCelts thought he could compare-and-contrast Celtic's and The Rangers' fortunes and it backfired spectacularly or... OK, come on, which of you Rangers fans is posting as TonyCelts?
  5. Aye, that's more than 5 pages a day since 2012. Slowing down a wee bit now - a bit like Joey.
  6. I thought it was you-know-who's magic hat. Edited cos neither Jim nor I knows how to use the quote function.
  7. Bennett's an arse and, worse, a The Rangers fan, but this witch hunt is a step too far.
  8. Why would PUMA or SD be expected to consult with 'the club and/or supporters groups'? Wasn't that why Rangers retail was set up in the first place? Still, I wouldn't like to be the first fan to turn up at Ibrox in the new top.
  9. This is interesting if not unexpected. An up-you to The Rangers from PUMA
  10. I've often wondered why hydro-power was taken off the table. A couple of good schemes in Scotland and then... nada. Is it not cost-effective? Is it unpopular with those who get drowned? Or is it just too expensive? (Compared to nuclear????)
  11. Pretty much my take on it but I just can't help myself when it comes to shooting down those bears who define their whole existence by what 'their' team has done - years before they were born or ever attended a match.
  12. The vast majority of rational thinkers would agree with you. Rangers fans... ETA: in before TK's typo comment.
  13. Kincardine has already poo-pooed the idea that the club is new - but he's OK with the 'club/company'.
  14. Kincardine, how are you reading UEFA's reference to 'a new club/company'? From your gnomic responses, it's obvious that you think it doesn't refer to 'the club', i.e. the thing that Rangers fans have been following since 1872/3. Why would UEFA even mention the word 'club' unless they were implying that the two terms were synonymous? They obviously don't mean 'club or company (delete as appropriate)' since only clubs can hold a license.
  15. How can you read ' a 'new club/company” was formed which was ineligible to apply for a licence to participate in UEFA competitions for three seasons' as meaning anything other than that the entity ('club' and 'company' being treated interchangeably) which previously held a license, lost that license due to dying?
  16. Only a football club can hold a UEFA license. The club that was a member of UEFA would appear to be dead - UEFA have said so.
  17. Unless CQN are telling a huge porkie or indulging in some very selective quoting, it would appear that there is. There's some discussion over what the slash means -'club or company' versus 'club and company'. I'm not sure it makes much difference, to be honest: either interpretation suggests that the entity that was a member of UEFA no longer exists.
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