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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Why do you have so much difficulty in typing 'liquidation'? Administration was just one minor step along the path to the Big One.
  2. You say 'administration', I say 'liquidation', let's call the whole thing orf.
  3. Has to cope with his sadness and depression somehow. Leaving T'Rangers might be easier though.
  4. I'm just sticking this in here to set up a bookmark for next year. When Rangers eventually release their June 2017 accounts, it will be interesting to see how close Global Sports' figures match up with reality. If the figures being discussed in another thread (source: http://www.globalsportssalaries.com/) are correct, then Rangers' first team wage bill for this season is looking somewhere around 7.2M, maybe a bit lower if they really have managed to get rid of Barton for less than this season's remaining salary. The 7.2M is based on a first-team squad of 23 players (including Barton) on an average of 317K pa. According to the accounts, the same figure for the 2015-16 season was 6.4M, so not a huge increase in real terms but I still think it's a shocking lack of prudence to be spending more than twice as much as their nearest rivals, Aberdeen, when the company is living on loans.
  5. Nah, this has been a great game - Scotland competing as equals for a change.
  6. Good start. Hope the concentration levels stay high.
  7. The polis were hoping you'd forgotten. Looks like they need more squirrels.
  8. Not quite as mawkish as that one but still gloriously awful. I think he might be proposing another go at the Germans but it's hard to tell - he seems a bit confused about the origins of the word '***'. Alternatively, he might just have been suggesting that The Rangers fans be afforded the same protection under the Discrimination Act as African-Americans, Pakistanis and Protestants. Because changing your origins is as easy as choosing your team. The main message I took away, though, was that his name is Tony and we'd better not pull his tail.
  9. At the end of each day's programmes? When exactly is that nowadays?
  10. Democracy - ' a system of government by the whole population '. Fiat - ' a formal authorization or proposition; a decree '. I'd argue that Scotland's 'sovereignty of the people' is a little more democratic than Westminster's fiats.
  11. 1688 was pre-Act of Union. Scotland joined in 1707 as an equal partner.
  12. Check the Declaration of Arbroath. England may have signed up to the supremacy of Parliament but Scotland surely didn't.
  13. If only you'd listened to any of the media outlets, tabloid or otherwise. Maybe you'd have been ahead of the 'Rangers died' wave.
  14. My 'roaster' riposte was a reference to certain tabloid allusions to the Krankies's sexual proclivities. Nothing more.
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