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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Type 'krankies' and 'roast'into google. You always assume the worst of people. Understandable, I suppose, given who you have to look up to.
  2. Well spotted. Has it been brought up before? And do the target audience know?
  3. In what sense of the word do you think he was a 'special' correspondent?
  4. A fascinating insight into the psyche of The Rangers fans. This way to the Bears' Den. Some lovely comments from some lovely people, too. 'Hypothetical'?
  5. I've just got this picture in my head of a chain of extension cables all joined in a daisy-chain.
  6. I don't think anyone's alleging they don't wash, just that it might be at someone else's expense. BTW I don't believe this story - it has to be a plant - but it's worth a chuckle while it runs.
  7. Is it not (allegedly) something to do with the billing address rather than with the physical pipes?
  8. You do understand that the role of an independent press isn't to act as a cheerleader for the very institution it's supposed to be reporting on, don't you?
  9. A press that only asks permitted questions is no press at all.
  10. I'm guessing he was sick of never winning any silverware. Oh, wait...
  11. Just answer the question, ya wriggler. Turn the deflectors off. And if you ever end up IN my good missus and giving me hauners,..
  12. You've got your metaphor the wrong way round - the Japanese, unlike the diddies, LOST the war.
  13. I hadn't spent much time on his site until I saw your post. I thought there was a fair selection of blog topics. Rangers seemed to make up around 25% of his recent posts and many of those were just factual reporting (Barton up before the beaks, Warburton accepting a one-match ban, etc.). I can see that he's anti-Rangers but, based on volume, I wouldn't have said he was 'obsessing'. And I don't think us diddies will ever stop reminding you that your old club died. We don't need any blogs for that.
  14. I'm not sure any Rangers fans should be considering this a victory, not unless they approve of the bully-boy tactics that would appear to be the main reason for closing the blog.
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