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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. They just have, bennett. That wee segment put a smile on my face.
  2. Be lovely if Rangers Hibsed it. 2-0 up at half-time and then two penalties and an own goal in the 11th minute of injury time for Hibs to stroll to an easy victory
  3. I've got a tenner on Hibs but, if Rangers win, we might have the consolation of seeing some Rangers-in-Europe eligibility shenanigans - perhaps newspaper adverts sponsored by Celtic and St Johnstone fans. Best of luck Hibs.
  4. To be fair, the statement only said that they were withdrawing the right to use the IP not that they were unilaterally cancelling the merchandising contracts. The fact that the former prevents SDI selling any replica kit under the latter could lead to an interesting case. ETA: I wonder if and when they'll change this page: http://rangers.co.uk/club/commercial/partners/
  5. You can't annul a deal just because it no longer suits, even if it's a pishy deal (https://www.blakemorgan.co.uk/news-events/blog/interpreting-contracts-no-rescue-bad-bargain/). If Green was authorised to sign the contract, a conflict of interest wouldn't be a defence - you do understand how business works? It's full of self-interested deals - Rangers needed ready money to survive and Ashley offered a deal. You should be able to get it annulled if the signatories weren't authorised to sign though.
  6. Why did nobody warn us? And that's 'to', not 'too'. I blame it on the years of Tory education.
  7. I don't believe it's as clear cut as that. As I said before, I think he may be forced to give up his shares in club/company but, if SDI were forced to give up its merchandising deal, then where would that leave Adidas, Nike etc? They all have commercial deals with multiple clubs and no one is suggesting they should focus on one club at a time.
  8. I can see why that would mean he had to sell his shares in the club/company/whatever but not why it would affect the SDI deal. If that were the case, then Adidas and Nike would be in serious trouble, too.
  9. Bennett, can you expand on why you think yesterday's announcement helps Rangers'financial problems? You'll go from a reported '4p in the pound' to zero. If you set up a competing merchandising operation, SDI will pull you into expensive long-term litigation. Even if Rangers win that fight, it'll be years before they see their costs back.
  10. Rangers continues as a loss-making business - the losses mount up year on year covered by soft loans from unknown sources. I suspect you couldn't justify a share issue big enough to cover these loans now. If King delivered on his original investment promise, the company could wipe out most of those debts and get back to something like an even footing. Luckily for King, this season you have a competent manager who has managed to win the team promotion and, possibly, some serious silverware. This has taken some of the heat out of what should be challenging commercial questions. Questions such as 'does the extra Premiership and TV income allow us to break even in 2016/7? Or will we need the merchandise money too? (ahem!)' Just when investment is needed to bring in the 3 or 4 high quality players that are likely to be required to mount an effective season-long challenge against Celtic - no less will be expected by the majority of Rangers fans - he produces a squirrel.
  11. You forgot to quote the bit where I said King was playing you like an old violin.
  12. I'm missing an 'it' ('thinking about it') but, apart from that, I said what I meant and meant what I said. King continues to play the Rangers fans like an old violin.
  13. A press release says Rangers are withdrawing IP rights and tearing up the contract. Rangers fans get all wet thinking about. Rangers fans forget King hasn't put in his 20M yet. Mission accomplished.
  14. It's the second time he's been described thus - you beat me to it in the post I quoted.
  15. Or the aggrieved party can just keep selling the merchandise with the logos on and wait for King to come after him.
  16. Aye. because Scottish football is usually a careering tornado of news, gossip and controversy. That hasn't been the case since, oh, February 2012.
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