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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Wonder if he fancies a stint in the Championship?
  2. Philosophers used to argue about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Didn't mean that angels actually existed.
  3. Thankfully she's gone for now. I think it will be a few days before she's built her strength up for another flurry.
  4. United's turnover has increased since Rangers were liquidated. The damage was done while Rangers were alive and supposedly pumping the blue pound our way (touches forelock). What appears to have happened over the past couple of years is that the board have tried to pay off that debt more quickly than was prudent.
  5. It's like watching a grand prix - if there's no crash in the first 30 seconds, you just leave it on in the background.
  6. She did like her Eastenders of a Tuesday and Thursday.
  7. My gran would agree. She's been deid the last 20 years, though. Cuppa, fair enough. Cuppie? Bit edgy, bit post-modern.
  8. Monkey, if she ever asks you STUP and you're not up for it, just give me a shout.
  9. The extra 3 or 4 million from season tickets and TV money would more than have been eaten up by increased wages. I assume Green would have lasted longer and would probably have gone for broke - Europe or bust. With 'bust' being more likely.
  10. Exactly. Over the course of the SC, there's probably a 50% chance of knocking Celtic out at the moment but there would only be a 25% chance of knocking out both ugly sisters.
  11. Can you imagine the 2012 version of Rangers in the top division? With a points deduction? Ffs they lost to Annan (no offence, Annan supporters).
  12. http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/7045943/Lost-years-will-soon-be-over.html
  13. United's debt has fallen from 7.3M to 1.3M since 2007. Which direction is yours going?
  14. You ARE effectively in admin. You're living on month-to-month loans. When the loans outweigh the value of the assets...
  15. I had a quick read. Where do you get your fresh breeks from Shull? I'll need a pair myself.
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