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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Please quit while you're behind. I'm worried that you'll take this too seriously and it will all end in tears. Go now, before it's too late.
  2. Are there really 3 years between that article and the previous one in November 2012? I assume it's been on hiatus - legal reasons?
  3. I wonder whether MASH has to accept the early redemption of this loan? Was Ashley's request to have it paid back early just a smokescreen and he'd rather keep the charges against the assets?
  4. Tactical victory, Benny. Remember when Narey stirred up Brazil with a toe poke?
  5. You really are the most illiterate of chunts. That should read... Oh, sorry. I thought that dodgy tax shenanigans were the most heinous of crimes to the plastics and diddies. Or, is it only when it involves Rangers? My mistake.
  6. Kincardine, get them sorted. Missing apostrophe. BTW what has JS published and where?
  7. To be fair, he often posts valid discussion points but, as you say, his constant deflections detract from his credibility.
  8. Scotsman headline says 'Rangers imposed duty to entertain, says Jason Holt'. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/rangers-imposed-duty-to-entertain-says-jason-holt-1-3945966#ixzz3rGMPkHpE'' I feel they've lived up to that duty.
  9. An awful lot of chairmen (well, two anyway) talking on condition of anonymity. Either they're scared of the reaction of their own fans or... shock, could they be Roddy's imaginary friends? The comments following the 'article' are pretty much spot on. How any P&Ds in amongst that lot? [ETA common sense].
  10. There's just one thing I don't understand... If the EBTs were openly declared in Rangers'accounts and, presumably, to the taxman, why did they feel they had to hide the existence of the side-letters from the football authorities? Why did it matter if they told them that they were paying Mr Dodds 20K per week plus another 3K in EBTs?
  11. Your really are a chancer, Tedi. You posted And when Thundercats called you on it, you accused him of trying to resurrect the new club/old club argument. Chancer.
  12. Exactly. It's going to be years, and many millions of pounds of 'investment', before The Rangers are capable of challenging Celtic. This isn't Rangers pre-2012, this is a financially crippled incarnation. Even with Ibrox filled every second week, they're not going to be bringing in the money to allow them to build a squad capable of challenging Celtic.
  13. If the EBTs were paid out of a trust funded and run by Murray Group, why did Rangers have to reflect them in their accounts? Not fishing, just puzzled.
  14. Wait a minute. Just checking with 100% of the populace..... . . . . . . Aye. Confirmed.
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