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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Listening to the BT Sport interview, does Warburton understand what he's let himself in for? He's talking about 'the club' but does he understand what's happening at the company level?
  2. Some of the Beeb's reporters obviously have an agenda, But, so what? They're only human.
  3. Kinky, even if the Beeb were to suddenly to admit that they were being a tad biased in their reporting and in future would report R & C's arseholery, would that make Rangers' actions any more acceptable? Or is this just a case of whataboutery?
  4. You stick to your memories and I'll stick to my (more realistic) recollections.
  5. Miller and McLeish or Narey and Malpas. Difficult choice. What was the question?
  6. Did he refuse to acknowledge that Rangers might be cleared? Got any links to that?
  7. 'Due'? An interesting concept. Remember last time round circa 2011? Or would you prefer to forget?
  8. Remind me - what is it you call it WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A FECKING OPTION?
  9. I'm not sure whether you're serious or not (Joker gif, someone, please). You're going to run out of money SOONER this season than you did last. Given your indebtedness, your ST money might just about move you into a cost-neutral position til the end of this month or next but, after that, you're borrowing again - earlier than you did last season. ETA: you don't really think your benefactors are going to let their current loans ride, do you? They'll want the money back now so that they can be seen to lend it again next month.
  10. If sales do hit 35,000 with an average price of £250 (http://www.rangers.co.uk/tickets/season-tickets) that's an extra £3.5M plus an extra £270K from the 5% price increase on last season's 21,000. So that's £4M extra season ticket income (less a slight drop in pay-at-the-gate takings since they're all buying STs this season). Offset that against the Commonwealth Games-related income (£1.3M), Ashley's loan (£5M - a loan but used as operating capital so we can treat it as income for these purposes) and the share issue (£3M - ditto) and you're actually going to be bringing in £5M less this year. The salary delta isn't likely to be much more than a few million - 10 out (say £10K pw each on average) and 5 in (say £5K pw each on average). That's your outgoings reduced by £4M. Overall, you're £1M worse off than last season. And you owe Ashley £5M. And I've erred on the side of being generous to Rangers in these calculations.
  11. This season, there will be no 5 million from Ashley, no Commonwealth Games money, no share issue. On the other side of the ledger, your wage bill might have gone down by a million or two. Will your income be higher?
  12. Because you still had money in the bank at the start of last season. This year you're in debt.
  13. I've been thinking the same for over a year now... and yet, they keep bobbing along. Somehow. I think the AIM de-listing is part of the endgame, though, and things are now so bad that they just can't be exposed to stock market scrutiny.
  14. And 'the latter part of the season' is likely to come around much faster than it did last season.
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