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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. It looks as though both Ibrox and MP are owned by RIFC. Page 14 shows their combined value as £42.2M
  2. I'd have thought the sooner the better from their point of view, before MASH's £10M is used up. If they can push into admin today, they'd only have £3.5M of loans to pay back - assuming they haven't splurged the new £10M on a new mower for Ally. There is of course still the small matter of reaching the end of the season but...
  3. It's worth pointing out that TRIFC haven't formally notified the Stock Exchange of any credit arrangement with MASH. The last official update was to say I'd have thought they'd need to do that pretty much as soon as they start drawing down against it. ETA: Thanks for the update, Auld Heid.
  4. I assume the board had to agree to this claim against Ibrox, otherwise your or I could do the same. If so, what were the board thinking of? Do they get any of the £10M loan before the claim period is up?
  5. That prompts another thought. Since TRIFC are being hounded by the authorities for debts incurred by Oldco, shouldn't TRIFC become creditors of Oldco (in liquidation) and see if they can get a few pence in the pound?
  6. Which suggests that, back in 2012, this 'separation of club and company' hogwash wasn't even a twinkle in anyone's eye. If it had been, Chuckles wouldn't have had to clutch at straws and Rangers (company-in-liquidation-club-in-phoenix-mode) would have waltzed straight into the league.
  7. ...was too thick to get the joke at the same time as everyone else?
  8. Forsyth is assuming that the Three Bears still have £6.5M to invest, i.e. that today's shares didn't reduce that sum. Does he know for sure?
  9. The kit man would just charge them £100K for delivery. And he'd need a car.
  10. How else will he get the kit down to the laundrette? Pauline's not going to come and pick it up herself, is she?
  11. Ashley and his man are giving out mixed signals here. I can't work out whether this move means he's willing to keep putting more money into Rangers or not. This move doesn't save Rangers any money but putting McDowall in charge suggests that there's no extra money available. It suggests that Ashley is hoping to limp along until next Christmas. And then what? I suppose the timing just before the AGM is everything. Is he just hoping to get the fans back onside?
  12. A year before the news became public. Remember, gossip and rumour were rife long before Valentines Day 2012. Just because they ended up using a different, pre-existing rule doesn't mean that they wouldn't stock their toolbox by increasing their options. Hindsight is 20/20.
  13. It doesn't seem like a conspiracy to me. IMO, it's more than likely that the football authorities, with the agreement of the same clubs who initially wanted Rangers straight back into the top division in 2012, changed that rule to prevent what they later told us would be financial Armageddon. You don't think they changed it just for fun, do you? Assuming not, why do you think they did it when they did it?
  14. Follows the Ally School then - stands at the edge of the pitch and folds his arms.
  15. It's you who's saying it's a conspiracy. Everyone else just accepts that it was a rule change which was almost certainly triggered by, and intended to deal with, Rangers' looming financial problems. The timing might be coincidental but I doubt it.
  16. That's unbelievable. I thought it was a spoof at first - I'd never read that blog before. He fair gives Mad Phil a run for his money.
  17. That thread's quite enlightening - obviously the McCoist picture looks different to those south of the border.
  18. And if that sentiment was only applied to the team on the park, you'd be the same as the rest of football fandom. It's the fact that, in many Rangers' fans minds, it means so much more that is so vomit-inducing.
  19. Quite a good deal. Imagine if they hadn't let you into the league in 2012 - must have been worth at least £250K to Rangers.
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