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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Haven't read that blog for over 6 months. I actually listen to what your hero says and how he says it. I see and hear a g&sl in action. Try it yourself - listen to everything he says and negate it. The negative sounds much more plausible than what he actually says.
  2. King did well over the last few months to rally the troops. He found a common enemy (another one) for them to rally behind and saw Ashley off. Apparently. Now he has to deliver and already we're seeing him backing away from some of his promises. It looks like he's going to de-list the company - whatever happened to that replacement NOMAD he had lined up? I guarantee that he will not put any money into paying off Ashley's loans any time soon. By 'soon', I mean before the season ticket money comes in. So, what has actually changed? (Please don't bookmark this post - my horses never win either.)
  3. That £20M is disputed left, right and centre. We'll agree to disagree. In any case, are you forgetting that money went to the old company, nothing to do with the club. Or are you admitting they were the same thing now? Ashley has loaned Rangers £5M, possibly £10M, over the last few months to keep club and company afloat. How much has King put in? Edit: for spelling.
  4. Are you counting King as a 'Rangers supporter' then? If so, in what way is he more of a Rangers supporter than, say, Ashley? Ashley seems to have put as much, if not more, money into running Rangers than King has. I suspect Ashley has been to more games than King has. Is it because King says he is a fan?
  5. I saw an interview clip where DK says it needs £20M but that he won't be putting all of that in - other wealthy investors will be involved. Any idea where the wealthy investors have been hiding for the last 3 years?
  6. A left-field idea - just to keep us going until Friday. The state of repair of Ibrox seems to be getting increased focus. I wonder whether the Health & Safety guys will step in and shut the place down. On Monday - give the fans a weekend of celebration first.
  7. 'We' - who is this 'we'? 'Are' - I assume you meant 'were'. 'The' - as in 'The' Rangers? You're learning. 'People' - aye, if I scrunch my eyes up a bit, you do bear(sic) a vague resemblance to 'people'.
  8. We might get the details wrong but we don't confuse the big things, like 'Rangers' and 'The Rangers'.
  9. Shull, for single-mindedness and unflinching dedication to a cause, have a Charlie.
  10. For years, I heard them talking about 'orange taps' and thought they meant bathroom fittings.
  11. I almost sympathise with you, No 8, but I don't think that's going to work with this incarnation of Rangers. There are too many fingers in too many pies, too many assets owned by those outside the club/company and, basically, there's not enough money coming in to service loans, property maintenance and salaries.. I think the club need to start again and this time it will be without Murray Park, Edmiston House, the car park, the image and merchandise rights... and probably Ibrox. If you go into admin or liquidation owing Ashley money, he's going to take all the secured assets and he might even buy Ibrox in the fire sale, just to piss on your chips. Even if he doesn't snap up Ibrox, the next reincarnation of the club won't have the funds available to buy the place (in the case of liquidation) or maintain (in the case of admin). If you really want to be free of the spivs, you need to start again. Really start again. Real Rangers? To avoid the obvious response, by 'you', I mean (The) Rangers.
  12. I thought the 'members on the board' deal was a condition of MASH lending them the £5M-£10M. If, as you posit, King repays those loans, the securities against Murray Park, the car park etc. disappear.. as would Ashley's right to appoint board members. Or have I missed a deal somewhere? ETA: DB beat me to it. It's worse than a full-time job keeping up with this thread. The things we do for love, eh?
  13. From http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/fraud_protection/phoenix_company_fraud Interesting. A slightly different slant on the whole phoenix thing. This doesn't mention disqualification of directors but it does say that 'Fraud happens when directors abuse the phoenix company arrangement by transferring the assets of the failing company below their market value before insolvency.'. Would anyone say that happened?
  14. Oooya, that's brutal. From Uncle Fester top-right to the two alien life forms bottom-left.
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