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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Perhaps because he has no inside sources in the English police? Not defending him (his sources seem to have dried up) but c'mon.
  2. Imagine if all 500 million of them boycott Burtons. Think I'll buy some shares in Primark.
  3. In vino veritas, TK? With those promises and a quid, you could be the next Big Hands.
  4. I agree with you but I was quoting Snafu. Rangers may well get to 2nd place in time. But it will be interesting to see how they do it while living within their means. Alternatively, if Ashley turns into a Sugar Daddy, then it'll be a breeze. Are sugar daddies still allowed under Fair Play rules?
  5. Where to begin? If Celtic are failing to dominate the league, what makes you think Rangers-on-an-Ashley-shoestring are going to do any better? 'Hamilton finished second in the Championship last season so can't be any good'. What does that say about Rangers, then? Dundee United 'only just' won the semi? 3-1? At Ibrox? 'Only just'? And, since when have Rangers spent any money 'wisely'?
  6. Think of professor Bing as being an intrepid anthropologist, venturing among primitive swamp-peoples. It's just part of the job.
  7. I think this is a much more likely scenario. I doubt even MA could easily rip up existing contracts without a serious legal battle or two. I know he has money coming out of his ears but...
  8. Given Rangers outgoings, I suspect he'd have to put more in each month than he'd realise in Sports Direct profits. Is he really going to sell more than 50,000 shirts a month to cover the £2M he has to pump in to keep them afloat?
  9. I'm not so sure it will be that simple. First you need to find a club (or 'company', as Rangers fans would say) willing to buy them. Second, that club has to offer acceptable terms to the player. Either of those fails to materialise and the player is going nowhere.
  10. I'll bet he's glad to be rid of them. Imaging the bliss of handing in your notice while you're away on holiday.
  11. This is the same scumbag that 'was only here to talk about the football'? What's changed? R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
  12. I understood that this offering was on a pro rata basis with each current shareholder being allowed to purchase new shares - the BoD aren't allowed to step in and buy them all up. Saying that, does anyone know whether the board are allowed to buy up any that are unsold by Thursday, i.e. effectively underwriting the share offer?
  13. I feel sorry for them but I admire their optimism at the same time. Raith home October 18thSorry to open a boring topic,but I'd like to get my transport sorted for this game it's cheaper if you book in advance.Im a bit loathe to do so as I ve Been burned by fixtures changes in the past,but I wondered if anyone knows if this game will/could be moved.Theres an international the weds before,it's not down on any tv listing that I can see.Any advice appreciated,thanks in advance. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=bd4a68a7125ab9fee974b25d237cd2c8&showtopic=273404
  14. I suppose it will come down to whether they can raise the £3M minimum from this share offering. If they only get £2.9M, they're not going ahead. What happens then? I suppose you could be onto something with Ashley. If he's raking it in from shirt sales, maybe £200K a month to top up the gate money might be a good deal for him.
  15. I agree with your predicted timing but I don't think admin is going to resolve their financial problems. They'll be able to get rid of some of the top earners and shaft some of their existing creditors but I still think they'll have trouble balancing the books over the rest of the season. Admin this month will buy some time but I really don't know where they go from there - they still don't seem to have enough coming in to allow them to meet October's bills. I know they have experts on board, capable of working miracles when it comes to leveraging small amounts of money but, basically, income << costs. Without a sugar daddy's buy-out or some other cash injection, liquidation looms.
  16. If they go into administration and terminate the contracts of their top earners, where will they find the money to pay for their redundancies? Will they need to sell MP after all?
  17. 5 chances of Hearts winning the league for every 7 chances of them losing. So, out of 12 chances, they have 5 to win. That's a 42.5% chance of winning the league (5/12ths). With Rangers likely to drop points for a negative financial event and Hearts looking like they might win outright anyway, it really is like buying money. You can lump on now and then, if things go pear-shaped for Hearts, lay off against them - and still make loadsamoney.
  18. But the post-admin crippling of the playing squad that would be required to turn Rangers into a going concern is a reasonable outcome. Level playing fields'n'that. I still think Rangers' chutzpah will lead to liquidation shortly after admin. Outgoings > Income.
  19. They've managed to make Davie Cooper look like Mo Johnston and Sally look like he's wearing a pair of joke lips.
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