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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Why would anyone take voluntary redundancy? Since they've only been employed for 1 full year they'll not be entitled to any redundancy pay.
  2. Off to Willie Hills with you. Should be 10/1 for the league-and-above-Aberdeen double. Unless you get another sugar-diddy, of course.
  3. Nowt wrong with that, lad. 'Given that a and given that b' getting shortened to 'Given that a and that b'. OK, it was awkward as feck.
  4. Is there ANY other club in the world where the fans have this mentality? In all seriousness, I think it's a fair point. How can a player, or a lower agent have the upper hand in these negotiations against serious business men? We are Rangers, these players would have jumped at the chance to join us simply to play in front of so many fans in such a great stadium, enjoying world class services. Barcelona - "Ah, Lionel, given that we're so good and that our services are world class (we've got wifi, ye know), we expect you to be suitably humble and to prostrate yourself before us. And would you mind doing that for £25 a week and a burger?" RM - "Christiano, I believe Messi's taking one for the team. Any chance you could do the same?" [Edited cos I'm a perfectionist.]
  5. Remind me. Which accounts? Club? Company? Mr Custard's? Smoke and mirrors, mate. It's a shell game. The whole conglomerate (less Mr Custard) has spent £70M in 2 years and had to take out loans worth £1.5M. Feel free to pretend the company did badly and the company did well. Or vice versa. BTW do you think that rate of spend is going to reduce: a) drastically b) slightly c) Ally's waistline?
  6. They burned through £70M in 2 years. In what demented financial world does that equate to £3.5M a year of a loss? Even if you only look at the running costs and ignore the one-offs (oh, my aching sides), they announced a £14M operating loss in 2013.
  7. Under SDM, they reduced Rangers' debt by piling it on one of his MIM companies, instead.
  8. I don't understand why administration would be considered a step forward for the company. Sure, they could wriggle free from a few restrictive contracts, renegotiate a few players' salaries (assuming they agree to stay on for less cash next season) but they still don't have enough cash to get through to the start of next season. If all that's coming in is a reduced ST income, the running costs of Ibrox and MP, alone, will leave them broke again. A share issue, you say? They couldn't stay solvent when they were in the SPL, how are they going to do it in the next layer down? Liquidation.
  9. 60% might be about right. People are creatures of habit and, for many, the downside of risking 'their' seat will outweigh the benefits of any protest vote. BTW for those fans paying by DD, does the credit provider give Rangers the money up front? How much of the £6M-ish will Rangers see in April/May?
  10. Nothing wrong with the word 'clan'. Good Scottish/Gaelic roots. Oops, maybe not the best etymology for Rangers after all.
  11. I thought Rangers fans were all one big, happy family, defining themselves by that very clanship. So 'you', 'we' and 'us' are all interchangeable as far as the flockers are concerned. Rookie error, my arse.
  12. And maybe you'll get another £1.5M worth of loans to stave off admin for another month.
  13. And they deliberately allow these 'rumours' to escape. Now it won't come as a surprise to the faithful when it emerges that the April wages are secured against Ibrox.
  14. My dad played for Ferranti Thistle back in the late 60s/early 70s. If he thought that his efforts were being devalued by a connection with Rangers, he'd turn in his grave. If he was dead.
  15. Was Old Rangers' SFA membership transferred to New Rangers in the same way as Rangers' SPL share was transferred to Dundee? Does that mean Dundee are really Rangers?
  16. To be fair (living up to my handle), that argument must also apply to Celtic. Similar-sized stadium, similar crowds, same kind of running costs, same need to pull in money to balance those books. Assuming the Scottish co-efficient stays at a level that gives one team the chance to compete in the Champions League, I can almost see the Rangers' business plan. If they can stay alive long enough to knock Celtic off their perch somehow, then the tables are well and truly turned. A huge risk but they've already shown once that they're willing to accept the downside of that risk.
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