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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. If anyone has the time, they can go through the players listed on this site http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/spieler/vertragsende/basics_SC3_2014.html and work out which of Rangers' contracts are coming to an end. You may need to look at the individual players' profiles as it doesn't seem to list the contract end dates on the team list pages. The following players all have contracts ending in 2014 and all on 30.06 - Cribari, Simonsen, Hutton, Mitchell, Wiktorski and Smith. No mention of any ending this month.
  2. I'm assuming we'll see them losing their best players, Wallace and Law for example. The Championship isn't going to be the stroll in the park that the fans have been anticipating.
  3. Ah, but you've got to consider the Ally-factor. Think how much impact his influence will have had.
  4. § Re-energise and motivate the Staff - to ensure they are truly proud to be part of the Club. Suggests they aren't motivated, energised or proud at the moment. Interesting. Wonder what level of 'staff' he's referring to.
  5. The really delicious part of this is that they won't see it as bad news. Not until it's far too late.
  6. Just to be a pedantic git http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/Chrimbo
  7. Put his heart and hole into it. But, aye, a hell of player. What wouldn't Scotland give for a few of his calibre these days?
  8. Your old company's Articles of Association seemed to be trying to do exactly that.
  9. And all the ASA are saying is that they asked the relevant authorities (ho ho ho) who said, 'buggered if we know'. Why anyone was daft enough to complain to the ASA, I've no idea. The ASA were never going to hold a legal inquiry into whether Scottish company law was being applied properly, were they?
  10. To be fair, UEFA will be hoping that Rangers don't qualify before the 3 years of accounts are available. Like that's going to happen.
  11. The company's accounts said they'd be down to their last million before the end of the season. I suspect there have been a few more unexpected expenses since they were published. Any idea how those expenses will be met?
  12. Thinking but not acting? Cognitive Dissonance then. It's not good for you.
  13. Quite. "We don't want to work our way up from the bottom after all. It's too slow and it's too expensive (under Super Ally). We need a sugar daddy to give us what is ours by rights. Financial prudence is for everybody else, not furra peepul."
  14. Remind us why you think he's an 'IRA writer', again? Be careful, though. Unfounded accusations can lead to the dock!
  15. It doesn't just lack class. It's sick and disgusting. What kind of people are they?
  16. Other clubs, though, are just that. Clubs. Not alternatives to a real life.
  17. And from http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=8a9b052d831d396718da8683b736043a&showtopic=261656, we have: "What do we think of this?" The Sheeple, indeed.
  18. The media seem to be assuming that the Laxeys' latest purchase tips the scales in some way. It's only a few per cent - do we know what percentage the rebels claim to control?
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