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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Look at the size of that shirt. Was Ally just putting it aside for the following season?
  2. Based on this logic, why wouldn't they put up £6.5 M and clear off the secured loans at the same time? They're going to have to pay MASH off at some point so why not now? The possible reasons: They never intend to pay off the loan. The 'GIRUY, Ashley. See you in court' scenario. They intend to pay off the loan from a source other than their own wallets. So, next year's STM pays off this year's debts. The 'loan-day seems to come round earlier every season' scenario, They don't have the money (see 1). The 'We won the company wars but what are we gonna do now, Daddy?' scenario. They have the money but are unwilling to put it into an ailing concern. The 'Do I look like I zip up the back?' scenario. I don't know which is/are the right answer(s) but they all have one thing in common: The Rangers are buggered.
  3. I don't have any info on that interview but I'm happy to read it if you post a link. My experience of dealing with accountants and auditors is that, while they may not know the intricate detail or be able to trace the life of an individual cheque, they have a good working idea of the company's financial position by the end of the first day. Looking at an older article interviewing Patey, he seemed to be quite happy to give an opinion without ever actually seeing the books.
  4. If you're carrying out a forensic audit and looking to see who's to blame, yes, it might take a couple of weeks. To check the balance sheet and the profit & loss account to work out whether you've got a future takes an afternoon. And that includes stopping for a cuppa.
  5. I'm not sure that admin fixes anything. They'll lose their assets to MASH, they'll still have a number of onerous contracts and, crucially, no extra money coming in. They'll still be losing a couple of hundred thousand a month.
  6. If they don't do a deal with MASH for that second £5M in the next couple of days, it could be liquidation before the end of the month. All it needs is one of their creditors (the polis, SSEB, HMRC) to say they want their money NOW, and they're gubbed. Even if they get the loan, I'm assuming it will be secured against Ibrox, at which point another 10,000 punters walk away. I don't believe they will put ANY of their own money in.
  7. The wives of The Brogues really don't want to be there, do they? Why do they bother going? Is it their husbands' idea of 'a day out'? To be fair, most of the guys don't want to be there either. I realise there are all kinds of sexist assumptions in there but these aren't your average unisex football fans.
  8. One win since the start of February. One win in EIGHT games!
  9. One of my posts seems to have suffered collateral damage in the tidy-up. Never seen that happen before.
  10. Hungover much? Or just jealous that your team aren't playing for silverware tomorrow?
  11. Every one of them looks like it's just dawning on them that nothing's changed. Watty looks like he wants to slap Durrant again.
  12. If you had to choose one of DK's promises as his first post-Friday priority, is this really the one you would have gone for?
  13. To be fair, I suspect this Allan Woods is doing this off his own bat and that neither club nor company has asked him to rally the troops.
  14. I occasionally look at Rangers share discussion on the LSE - it's a bit like this thread but without the calming influence of No8 and DhenBoy. Anyways, I read this succinct summary. Is SaltedPopcorn a member of this parish? SaltedPopcorn RE: It was easy 35.50 No Opinion I presume by "getting rid of the trolls" you mean getting rid of the people who point out that this club, as it approaches its third birthday, has no money, lots of debt and whose shares have been suspended. Who point out that the club has sold much of its revenue streams, has a useless manager sitting out his notice at home, whilst his useless assistant is sitting out his notice in control of the first team; that the club has no scouting network; has an aging team; and is now failing to perform on the pitch with alarming regularity; who point out that there is no credible business model; has just had an EGM to install a crook onto the Board who has since decided he is unable to accept the position to which he sought election - then yes, I'd say getting rid of them will be quite a big ask. Or just wait three weeks for the club to be de-listed permanently.
  15. Good luck with the insurance on that. Essential repairs to a stadium reported to contain significant amounts of asbestos - and they're asking these guys to do it for free?
  16. A fair number of OF fans won't watch ANY other team. I think it's because they don't really like football.
  17. In this case, 'rushing in' doesn't make King's position any worse or any more risky - he still owns the same number of shares as he did on Thursday so the amount of his money at risk hasn't changed. Apart from the reputation risk he's not putting anything on the line here.
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