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Posts posted by an86

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Whole reason Gary Bowyer never stuck around at Dundee was that Nelms wasn't happy that Bowyer demanded the highest of standards but wasn't willing to commit to staying around long term. Always wanted a job down South.

    That a side, he's a manager that can develop youth, get fans onside and is pals with Coyle. 

    Says a lot that we were pretty pish last season but he's still one of my favourite Dee managers. Think he'd do a brilliant job.

    Coyle must be pissing himself just now. Would likely tell Bowyer to give us a wide berth and who could blame him? 

  2. Tam Courts did a good job at United and also has experience at the coal face at a lower level. Youth development credentials as well. Ticks a number of boxes.

    Scott Brown. A “name” but also did a decent job at a decent level in England last season before a poor start this season saw him binned. Last season certainly enough to have him under consideration.

    Neil Lennon. Unlikely to work under Dempster, but she should be heading out the door anyway. Too much of a loose cannon for me. Not utterly against the idea, but the two above would be more progressive appointments. 

    Gary Bowyer. Won the league last season. Not in a job right now. Wealth of experience in England and now has experience of this nuthouse of a league under his belt. 

    Rhys McCabe. Extremely young for a manager, but an impressive job at Airdrie and I’ve been impressed by their style of play. Too early for me, though and too much of a risk when you really need results to stay in the league.

    Owen Coyle. The man who should still be in charge. Dispense with Dempster, apologise to him and offer him whatever he wants. The only figurehead who has actually “got” the club since this Frankenstein nonsense got underway. 

    If it’s Malky, we’re as well just packing up. Trying to build a support in the most diverse area in Scotland and appointing a toxic racist would be the worst possible move. The fact that he’s an absolutely shite manager should be a factor as well. I have absolutely no faith that we won’t do this. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, QP's in my DNA said:

    It looks to me like Veldman told the blazers where to stick their job, and has gone back to the easy life along with his mentor Beuker.


    Can’t see it. Two and a half years left on his contract and would be due a healthy pay up. Wouldn’t expect many people to go of their own accord in that circumstance, particularly after moving their family over for the gig. 

  4. Dempster sacked McKinnon and hired Ellis. Dempster was the architect of the “project” which is now over. Dempster allowed conditions to develop that led to Owen Coyle leaving and Robin Veldman coming in. Could write several paragraphs on Lesser Hampden and lack of communication. Her position is untenable.

    The committee have proven to be toothless and disinterested in the concerns of fans. They want to be having a look at what they’re contributing, or indeed not contributing. A complete shitshow. Veldman had to go, that’s pretty clear. He’s a symptom of a much bigger problem, though. We’ve blown a massive opportunity to grow something here and it’s so fucking depressing. 

  5. Is there any talk of what’s happening with Beuker’s role? No talk of looking for a replacement in the “cheerio” blurb. It’s just another example of fans being left in the dark.

    Even just saying we’re going to take time to look at how we move forward would at least be some sort of acknowledgement towards a plan for the future. Instead we get “he’s offski” and nothing beyond that. Why are we so bad at the most simple things? Nobody is asking for a detailed brochure here. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, QP's in my DNA said:

    I just wonder where this fits in with "blazers plans ????

    I must admit his role was low key, I'd forgotten he was at the club.


    Aye, I’d just assumed he had gone when we turned pro. Real mixed bag in his time as manager. Signed David Anderson and brought on a lot of the generation through who went on to bigger and better things. In my view, we didn’t actually maximise what we had at that time. Squads that weren’t as strong went on to achieve more. 

    Can’t argue with that number of years of service to the club, though. Wish him well for whatever is next. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Spider Rico said:

    Sunday 10th December QPWFC play their biggest home game of the season, a top of the table clash, at ……..….New Tinto Park.

    Wednesday 13th December Celtic under 19s play Feyenoord at……..…Lesser Hampden.




    A game I’d go to, but would need to give up four hours of my day to navigate shit public transport and watch the game.

    Could even offer all the free tickets they want for this one and it wouldn’t  matter. It’s not cost that’s stopping people from going. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Maybe a DC in his prime or even a good version.

    Dick Campbell of 2023 is not the same guy or manager he once was though. Nowhere near it 


    8 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    Another one who has not watched our dire football over the past 18 months.

    Not saying Campbell hasn’t run his course. In retrospect, it might have been best to bow out after *that* season. The very definition of taken the club as far as it can go. I do, though, think McIntyre is rubbish and will be surprised if he gets a better tune out of that squad. Surely there has to have been better out there? 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Skeletar Spider said:

    Since outing himself as p***k Mackay has been appointed manager of Wigan in the English Championship and Ross County in the Scottish Premiership. Between those jobs he spent four years in a lucrative position as performance director with the SFA. Sounds like an odd sort of punishment to me.

    Aye, it’s a bit like those folk tour TV studios and drop several newspaper columns per year, claiming to have been silenced.

    Other clubs can do what they want, but their involvement with Mackay leaves a stain behind. Worth noting, by the way, that Dave Whelan, who gave him his route back in also has form for racism. A real meeting of minds. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Southsideforever said:

    To be challenged and asked to consider where these views originate from and to understand they are wrong. Be supported and guided to understand that prejudices need to be addressed and become a better person. We need people to be open about prejudices and seek help to address them. Not be fearful of opening up and looking to change for fear of the consequences.

    I’d be immediately banned for life, as I absolutely should be. I’d possibly take a couple of deserved hits on the way out for my trouble as well. By the way, we banned someone for life eighteen years ago for a racist remark to an Albion Rovers player. This sort of shite wasn’t acceptable way back then either. 

    In my view, the age thing has always been an absolute cop out. Glasgow has been a multicultural and diverse city for generations now. There’s literally no excuse. I knew what was wrong to say thirty years ago when I was a kid at school, so if folk are still talking about understanding racists in 2023, what exactly are we meant to be understanding? Sometimes arseholes are just arseholes. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Southsideforever said:

    Veldman needs to stay to continue with the long-term direction we are moving in. It will come together. I would like a striker added in January as we are asking too much of Paton. However, I would have no objection to MM. Yes, he made mistakes which many of his generation have also done. If we are to move forward you cannot banish people for mistakes forever. He undertook training and apologised. Why would anyone admit to faults or try to improve if they are chastised and labelled forever? Moreover, he has considerable Queens Park heritage, football experience, and knowledge north and south.

    If I were to stand up at the next home game at Hampden and start saying things about Jews, black people, Chinese people and women, what would you expect the consequences to be for me? 

  12. 11 minutes ago, qpfc said:

    Absolute drivel  

    Even though the comparison with Martindale has almost zero relevance, does that mean you’re seamlessly willing to accept someone in charge of a club based in one of the most diverse areas in Scotland? 

    What message is that sending to the community in terms of enticing them to come to games and grow the fan base. It’s polar opposite of what the club are trying to be. You’d be sticking 2 fingers up to large parts of the southside appointing him 

    Football is a privileged position to be involved in career wise and anyone who has such views on particular communities deserves zero relevance in the sport

    Outwith that, he’s an objectively terrible football manager in general 

    Yep. Carefully built sponsorship relationships and links with community organisations would need to be factored in as well.

    I think most folk are capable of rehabilitating their character, but he wasn’t a daft kid. He was a man in his 40s. Even with apologies and reflection on actions, it should still rule him out of any leadership role. Not saying he shouldn’t ever work in football, but he’s wholly unsuited to being a leader and I don’t want him at our club. 

    My own opinion is that he’s sorry that he got caught, rather than genuinely remorseful about the things he said. An absolute c**t of a man, in all honesty. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Diamond1924 said:

    Gretna, of course, famous for also having 16 fans and buying “success”. 

    The thing is, if we’d really wanted to do what Gretna did, we’d already be sitting mid-table in the Prem. The guy bankrolling us can afford it. They were buying experienced players directly from Dundee United and Aberdeen. We’re signing kids who’ve never played meaningful football. 

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