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Posts posted by an86

  1. 1 minute ago, Diamond1924 said:

    Gretna, of course, famous for also having 16 fans and buying “success”. 

    The thing is, if we’d really wanted to do what Gretna did, we’d already be sitting mid-table in the Prem. The guy bankrolling us can afford it. They were buying experienced players directly from Dundee United and Aberdeen. We’re signing kids who’ve never played meaningful football. 

  2. Is one full season of stability too much to ask for? Nobody is turning down Ajax, whether they’ve signed a ten minute or ten year contract, right enough.

    Can we please use this as an opportunity to re-enter the real world, with a clear vision of who and what we’re trying to be? I don’t think this is something that can be done under the current Chief Executive. Her leadership has been farcical since joining. She should follow and allow fresh ideas to move the club forward, preferably in a way that acknowledges the existence of fans. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    I somehow got an O Grade in Chemistry and the only part I remember (apart from don't wind-up Mr. Sharp who was handy with the belt) was when doing an experiment you should only change one element at a time. If Beuker is definitely going, and our committee will know this by now, I'd be inclined to let Veldman have a spell on his own. That's the only way we can be sure they're not both playing the pantomime horse.

    That however now becomes a timing issue. We've seen twice in recent history where inexperienced coaches (Roberts and Ellis) were fired at New Year because the club couldn't trust them with the cheque book in January. Would the committee support another 2 or 3 year contract for a guy who might not be with us in Spring?

    If the club are serious about getting to the Prem at some point then retaining their position in this league must be a priority. Retreating to league 1 is perilous. Ask anyone at Cowdenbeath or Brechin. Or Falkirk, Alloa, QoS, Dumbarton or, dare I say it, Clyde.  No thank you!

    Don’t necessarily disagree, but if we take a 4-0 or 5-0 at EEP, that’s the sort of result that ends tenures. Even in the event of a narrow defeat, it becomes a question of how long you give it? If we don’t take a win out of the next three, we’re staring down Dundee United at home. 

    If Beuker’s going, just let him go now and let Veldman get on with it. We might not be able to afford the luxury of time and risk to see how things play out beyond January. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Southsideforever said:

    Things are not going well on the pitch at the moment for sure. However, a new model to serve for many years in the future is being introduced and this takes time. We should be giving maximum support to the players and management at this time. What is the worst that could happen? Relegation? I would take that for a new model with young players being developed and playing football correctly, and consistent future success. We are not relegated yet, and we have every chance of surviving in this transition year and then moving onwards next season.

    I think we could all accept inconsistency. What we can’t accept is being consistently guff. We haven’t won in the league since August and our record against full-time opposition is one win in thirteen. 

    It would be deeply embarrassing for us to be relegated, given the shouting from the rooftops the club has done about “the project.” It would actually be inexcusable given the amount of resource that’s been poured in.

  5. I think he gets until Cappielow, unless we take an absolute skelping in either of the two games before it. If we don’t win one of the next three, it becomes very difficult to make a case for him continuing.

    We can’t just continue to base it on the hope that things might turn around. There needs to be some level of evidence that it might actually happen. I’m not seeing it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    My immediate hope from all this is that Veldman takes the opportunity to breath and make his own choices for the rest of this season. He can still be with the programme without feeling the pressure to throw on 3 subs with minutes to go and a win in hand. 

    Despite my seething about him, I’ve softened having had a bit of time to reflect. Could tell how much that Raith Rovers result hurt him and he seems a genuinely nice guy. The fact that Malky Mackay is unemployed also has me firmly back aboard the Veldbus. Really want it to work for both him and us. 

  7. 55 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

    Just a quick one.

    Thanks (yet again) to the Spiders Talk gents for this week's episode and especially so for taking the time to interview Ellie Kane and highlight the progress of the Women's team this season.  

    As fans, I'd assume it's pretty awkward to ask the 'difficult' questions, but I thought those referencing where the Women play were well put and was even more impressed at how honest Ellie herself was.  Good to know how much progress has been made so far; hoping for more in the future, especially as promotion to the SWPL is not unthinkable.

    Any properly functioning football club would have contingency plans in place for promotion this season and, indeed, a plan for the longer term anyway. History tells us that it’s more likely that we’ll be scrambling around after the event, should it happen. 

    It’s completely unthinkable that a football pitch cannot handle a game every fortnight. We can all marvel at the quality of the pitch at Lesser, but what’s the point of it when most of the action it sees is horticultural?

    It’s another thing that doesn’t make sense about “the project.” A good quality all weather surface is obviously more suitable for a club which supposedly has community football at its heart. It can also make the club money. Instead, someone is being paid to tend a pitch that sees no action and a stand that lies constantly empty. The most expensive missed opportunity imaginable. 

    We’re now at the stage where questions about next season have to be asked, not only for the women’s team, but the entire football club. It would be unacceptable for us to get towards the end of the season and not know. A return to the Southside should have ended all the uncertainty, but it’s simply brought more questions. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

    Irrespective of your thoughts on his suitability, if you're in the Premier with County, Livi or one of the other smaller sides, 23'6% might not be all that bad given your games against the OF won't be successful. You don't have a lot to work with in terms of resources. Anyway, a moot point. I think we'll stick with RV.

    His win rate was 20% at Wigan, in the English Championship, as well. They’d finished 5th in the league the season before he’d arrived and had won the FA Cup eighteen months previously. 

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