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Posts posted by an86

  1. I’m not prone to slaughtering refs because what’s the point? However, that’s absolutely brutal. Every single point could be the difference between us staying in this league or not. You cannot get a decision as simple as that wrong. We can look at the wall etc. as well, but the referee has to do his job properly there. Should be a demotion or a couple of weeks sitting out for that one. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

    Would that not be for the TV

    Although it looked awful as if no one was there

    In a way would it not be better to have both sets of fans in the North stand 


    We papped them down there on the Saturday as well. Ayr will bring at least as many. 

    This is what sort of pisses me off from a home fan perspective. We seem to have invested heavily in every area of the club, except for average punters. Spending exorbitant amounts on a royal box and investment in hospitality and then telling the plebs it’s too expensive to hire a few more stewards and open some more kiosks. It sort of says it all, really. 

    In terms of the North Stand, I’ve actually long thought this even going back to the League Two days. Couldn’t have a more natural segregation line and the view of the game for every single punter would be so much better. I’m sure there are £££ reasons for why that hasn’t or won’t happen, though. 

  3. On the segregation thing, I’ve never had any issue at all with Ayr fans, or indeed most other sets of fans, but it’s probably better for them if they’re down the other end as well for a marginally better view. Better for our fans who don’t want to spend half an hour in a queue at half-time as well. 

    Having to open more of the ground = more cost, which is probably what this is about. Segregation, but everyone congregating at the same bit at half-time has never made a huge amount of sense to me. Over the years, Ayr have always brought one of the bigger supports to Hampden, so it doesn’t really make sense to me that we put Dunfermline in the east section and not them. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, HoustonSpider99 said:

    Having a think there about transfer targets. I’d hope that we’ve been looking at the Northern Irish top flight as a possible source if we were to bring a few guys in. We saw with Cliftonville last season there’s some quality in the league. Guys like Craig Curran and Liam Boyce were quality additions for example. 

    If we can afford to coax guys from Southampton & Brighton up to Glasgow, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine taking a punt on a couple guys from Belfast.

    Aye. Even the League of Ireland has a few decent players kicking about. Definitely somewhere we should be watching. It also produced Johnny Kenny, of course. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    Just had a march around my back garden, not much sunlight all day and the ground was certainly softening and a bit squishy in some areas. Wee bit rain would do great now, was spitting there.

    Mad would fitba makes you do, that would otherwise be seen as a cause for concern. “Just away oot the back to feel the softness of the ground. Won’t be a minute!”

  6. 15 hours ago, Specky Ginger said:

    Absolutely appalling that stones were thrown at a QP bus yesterday. Absolutely indefensible and hopefully the culprits are caught and banned from Stark's Park.

    If they were grown men, aye. Let he who hasn’t been a daft wee boy cast the first stone, so to speak, though. 

    It’s obviously not good at all, but just stick some cops up where the buses are and put the frighteners up them if they’re caught. You don’t think about consequences at that age and they’re probably just looking to get a chase.

    It’s easy to say “wee b*****ds, ban them” but what does it achieve in the long run? Another couple of hours bored, with time to kill on a Saturday afternoon. Actually better to get them in and involved than do that. Not a reward by any means, but getting them to “volunteer” to do a bit of graft for a few weeks would be a better path imo.

  7. Pleased to see a wee bit of progress in terms of elections to the committee. I hope it can open the door to greater discussions around structure and transparency. The days of electing people to hide away in a room without involving the wider support have to come to an end. 

    I’ve said from the very beginning of the huge change around Queen’s Park, that we couldn’t truly grow until it took the people who already care about the club along with them. That hasn’t happened. It’s still an imperative in terms of any success we might have in the future. This can still work, but it has to feel inclusive. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Hampden Diehard said:

    Quite an important night as the Club's AGM is being held.

    There's been plenty of totally warranted flak going the Club's way in the past few years so hopefully people turn up and support those with an agenda for change who are standing for election.

    Won’t make it, but the proxy is in. First time I’ve ever bothered with such a thing. 

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