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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. I'm not having a go at those who are simply guessing he'll be kept on. But, for the 1000th time, the fact Rennie staying on is even still in the discussion is ludicrous. A large chunk of the BoD's reputation rests with a very simple decision.
  2. As ever, there are truths to both sides of what people are saying. The new board are recently in post and should be afforded the time to turn things around - on that basis, it seems silly for fans to stop attending now, just when it appears the perfect opportunity to get everyone on board and pulling in the same direction. However, while I, like everyone else (bar maybe one or two on here), wants the new board to succeed, it is a two-way deal. We're going to be entering our fourth season in this dumpster fire of a league, and every consecutive season we've been moving further and further away from getting ourselves out of it. This is in midst of over a decade of consistent decline (with 15/16 proving to be the exception) and external issues of people increasingly struggling to get by financially. I can totally understand the reticence of some supporters as well. I wrote to Gary Deans at the end of last season, saying that after 15 consecutive years of being a season ticket holder, I had had enough of people not being held accountable for incredibly poor decision-making and I would not be returning until he and Holt were gone. The response I got was along the lines of "We're sorry, but you're a loyal supporter, so you're probably just saying this while angry and you'll be back". I did not renew. The installation of Cones totally underwhelmed me and I thought it was a terrible appointment at the time. I refrained from overtly saying so as to not appear overly negative. However, the calamity of this season proved my worst fears right and while it gives me absolutely no joy whatsoever, I feel I have been vindicated in not buying a season ticket this season. I watched a quite number of away streams under Sheerin, before I attended two homes games in person just after Rennie was first appointed and Holt was given the boot. It didn't take long to realise things had possibly got even worse than under Cones. Rennie now does indeed have a worse record than Cones, and we're still discussing the possibility of him being kept on next season. It's totally baffling and thoroughly depressing. I think the days of fans exhibiting blind loyalty to a football club are over. We are post-pandemic, where people were forced to experience life without football. It's also especially the case for a club like ours, which has taken its support for granted for far too long. I want to return next season - buying a season ticket even if I cannot attend every game in person. While I haven't missed it per se, this season has still hurt - ultimately, this is my club and I love it. But this doesn't mean I will hand over my money regardless of any factors - the "they're my club, so they can just have my money!" simply doesn't cut it for me anymore. The board have my and many others backing, but we need to see concrete initiative and action from them. I won't be buying a ST if Rennie is kept on in the face of all the data - I doubt I'm the only one. With transparency and openness, combined with evidence-based decision-making (ala Rennie), I feel they have a loyal fanbase who will listen and may be more forgiving than many think. But it is incumbent on the board to take these steps before many supporters will feel comfortable parting with their cash.
  3. Pretty sure it was 2nd. Hartley did a pretty decent job recruiting in the January and is undoubtedly a good manager, who had one absolutely mental summer with us.
  4. Falkirk TV is fucking embarrassing, btw. You can be a club channel without being a propaganda channel. That first question is a riddy and a half.
  5. On the basis that Airdrie don't go up, I'd go balls out for Ian Murray. Highly, highly doubt he'd come, but worth trying. If not, a Johnston or a McIntyre type as second choice is something I wouldn't be averse to. Russ makes fair point about Johnston's record in League One - my only concern is you'd have to keep him on if we went up and he's proven himself to be a bit of a diddy at the levels above League One. I totally understand that the first hurdle is getting out of this division, though - walk before we can run etc. - he might be an okay choice for that end.
  6. I know beggars can't be choosers and we're in an incredibly low position, but names like Allan Johnston just give me the fucking fear. Considering where we are at the moment and the calibre of candidate we're likely to attract, I still feel we should have gone for Yogi in the summer. That won't be popular with some on here - but it really couldn't have been any worse than Cones and Rennie. Was never gonna happen with clownshoes Holt there though, so instead we appointed a children's coach who wouldn't put up too much of a fuss, before punting him and replacing him with a man who looks like he tests out his formations on Football Manager.
  7. Season mathematically over so I expect a statement by tomorrow evening confirming that the marketing man and the Sevco cheerleader will be jettisoned. If they're feeling up to it, feel free to produce the 'release list' a few weeks early too.
  8. Get the PR-talking, consultancy-spinning ballboy back on the first flight to the US.
  9. Would love to know what McCann has done to Rennie. Must be pretty galling seeing the shite that get picked ahead of him.
  10. I'm somewhere between ambivalence and having mildly positive feelings towards what the new board have done since coming in, given the absolute mess that they took over. It's still very early days. The first decision they could take that would make me heavily question their collective judgement would be keeping Rennie in the face of all evidence.
  11. Sounds like some players were unhappy with Cones getting the boot? Also, clear digs at Rennie in that. Dixon knows he's away so probably doesn't give a f**k. It really isn't great reading, but hey, at least he's being honest. Makes a nice difference from Rennie's PR spin talk.
  12. There is a difference between being a fan and a cheerleader. Players will support all kinds of teams, that's not the issue though. If Holt had referred to Killie as "we" during his time with us, I doubt you would be as forgiving. You've already pointed out how fucking rancid we are, so I'd suggest yes? I suppose it's what kind of commitment you want from someone to turn it around. I'd rather he was devoting the majority of his time trying to fix Falkirk, the team he is employed by and paid by. Rather than taking a cheque to talk about how Rangers have defensively set up, maybe question why his own team are getting bodied 3-0 at home off of Montrose and 4-1 off of Airdrie.
  13. Folk aren’t getting ‘more wound up’ by Miller being a pundit than us being shite, though. That isn’t happening. It’s just a massive riddy when your assistant manager seems to be on some form of media outlet every second day talking about Sevco, while referring to them as “us” and “we”. Get him to f**k.
  14. Wee Kenny on the TV tonight talking about his big team again x
  15. Gary Holt is an absolute c**t and it is a mark of absolute shame he was allowed to return to the club and pull some strings. Dictionary definition charlatan. Seems like his pal Fergus isn't too dissimilar in character.
  16. I know this is totally off-topic and old news, but it's better than talking about our chances on Saturday. I saw on the Airdrie thread that they're talking about the possibility of Alan Gow going to them in some youth development capacity. I didn't really pay attention to the thing with him being Head of Football Operations, what with Covid being the main concern at the time in 2020 - can someone tell me the story of his appointment and why he left after so little time? I remember Deans making a snidey comment at the infamous Q&A, but he didn't really go into much detail.
  17. I'm not so sure. Perhaps it would be less of an issue, but tbh it would still bug me the amount of time he spends windbagging about Sevco.
  18. Aye, it's just as well we are just about safe from finishing 9th. Rest assured, if we entered a relegation play-off with this group of professional losers, we'd be playing League 2 next season.
  19. Replacing Doyle with Mercer was one of the biggest indicators M&M were clueless. Doyle isn't exactly peak Cafu but I'd argue the case he's been the best RB we've had since being in League One.
  20. I know the pattern of our decline can be traced back for over 10 years, but there has been many missed opportunities and critical junctures along the way. Despite the mess we made of last season, if we'd appointed a decent manager in the summer and recruited properly, this season would have been the one to challenge. The quality of the league this year is remarkably low. The fact we are 5th is weird; in many ways it is indicative of both how fucking terrible we are in comparison to the teams we should be challenging. However, it also demonstrates the lack of quality of the league holistically, given how rancid we are, yet we've pretty much sat 5th all season. Next season you'll potentially have Queens, Dunfermline and Kelty in the mix. Instead, we appointed a glorified under-12s coach and allowed that charlatan Holt to recruit. It is genuinely fucking criminal.
  21. I'd keep Watson and McCann. The rest can go. Edit to add: McCann hasn't been good enough this year, but has shown sparks of quality and was more than good enough for this level at Airdrie. He's also one of the only ones in the entire squad who looks even slightly bothered when he plays. Watson - with a decent partner beside him - is more than good enough for a League One side challenging at the top end.
  22. Numbers never drop as much as people predict, but I think we're finally getting as close as possible to a crunch point for a lot of supporters. From what I've seen, that crowd yesterday certainly looked like one of the lowest ever for a league game since we moved in to the stadium. Combine a cost of living crisis with a 4th season in this league - then add in keeping a total diddy like Rennie, and I wouldn't be surprised if numbers plummeted. Having the attitude that you can do whatever you want because the loyal masses will pitch up every week regardless reeks of the same perspective of the last board.
  23. Queen's Park beating Cove. Edging closer to being put out of our misery and (hopefully) the departure of Rennie confirmed.
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