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Everything posted by FrankChickens1

  1. I wasn't saying otherwise. Just pointing out that even if he goes now we are completely fucked. I.e - he should have gone fucking ages ago.
  2. All the talk of who could be future manager is even more redundant, beyond the fact that Davidson won't be sacked, by the fact that anyone coming in will be totally hamstrung by the squad. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't take it, especially a young coach like Morris (not that he'd ever take it anyway). Let's say Davidson goes in Sept with us bottom on zero points, Why on earth would someone like Morris take over a team that will not only be near impossible to keep up, but also near impossible to exercise any future control over or 'shaping of', because not only will there be no budget for this year but there will be no budget for next year either because of the legions of aged/crocked dross we have on long term deals. There really is no hope for the club in the next two years, barring some kind of miracle (like we had before).
  3. Just think how much we could spend on a striker if we didn't have so much dross on long contracts.
  4. Think we were lucky to come away 1-0 although hibs didn't look great. For me none of our new geriatric brigade even come close to pass marks. Poor to a man. Awful transfer/contract business. New CB wasn't bad. Wright could have given away a pen at a corner. I'd take Hibs LB. We have 0.2 of a striker between our two strikers.
  5. I saw him get done about 3 times in the opening 15 mins. I thought the stop on cadden was more Caddens doing. Made the slide tackle at the end, and looks better going forward than Booth with ever manage. Not sure where it leaves Gallacher if he's ever fit.
  6. We look a pale shadow of the team that only just stayed up last season. Considine looks absolutely done physically. Montgomery looks horrendous defensively save for that one OK tackle at end. Hallberg should be our best player but I'm not 100% he was on the pitch. Was Murphy there? I only know Carey was because of the poor corners, albeit inswingers are in theory better than what we usually get. We still don't know if there is an SPL striker in Bair, but I sense we will guarantee one never develops if we keep having the only time a team mate be within 50m of him is when he's back in our box defending for no reason. Positives? We haven't seen Crawford and Macpherson yet. Not that the replacements have been any better. Just less unlikeable. Mitchell didn't look awful. If we survive this year it can only be be because another team is somehow worse. I think it is telling how awful we look like we are, that everything I have said above is objectively sensible and accurate, yet its impossible to say anything about the first half other than 'we looked ok'. That's because we look so poor that halves of football will have the opportunity to go so much worse, meaning that tripe we just saw was alright by comparison
  7. Not 100% Davidsons fault but there is a real extent to which I don't feel like I'm watching saints but just a bunch of randoms in saints-like shirts
  8. I'm gonna stick my neck out and say Mahon isn't rated by the management. I don't think I've seen him play yet. Mitchell could be amazing but it's still a bit mad he's right in ahead.
  9. The problem with paid journalism though is you have to be mindful of what else your money goes to. Yes there is no obligation on the Courier to give away their work product from which they seek to derive profit for free. But there is no obligation for me to give money to yet another Tory rag just to get some shitey column brownnosing CD. I value the second point as more important to me than the first one - even if it means the death of local (Tory) print media.
  10. I hope Robert Thompson is castigating them for the shameful speculation
  11. I have nothing but pure contempt for Robert Thompson. He's one of the most pathetic, spineless, and thin-skinned individuals I've ever had the misfortune of reading on Twitter. It is genuinely tragic that one has to read his name, work, and pathetic ramblings when trying to find out club information. I genuinely wish it was him who was contemplating giving up Twitter. Completely separately, if I'm talking about the same post others are (and I might not be) I don't see what Random has said via fan analysis that is that bad, even if the timing of it makes it an easy target for moronic pile-ons. I don't know what has happened to Cleary and I don't believe I have any particular need or right to know. I do see he is still able to use Twitter, from where he formerly peddled dangerous anti-vax nonsense. I understand family reasons mean he can't do one or more of play football / play football in Scotland / play football for us. If that is so, then I would have nothing against the club giving him a leave of absence of whatever duration required. If that ends up being ages, then so be it. I have yet to be convinced as to why that requires the club to cancel his contract and give up an asset with 2 years left on his contract. In reality the club is probably only giving up 40-60k in transfer fee, so it probably isn't worth getting upset about. If he will only go back to Ireland, then likely much less than that. However, any pile-on based on what I've seen Random say (noting I might have missed something), and including SJFC's post above (although not itself a pile-on or attack), ignores that cancelling the contract is not the only option or alternative to, from what I've seen, what people seem to be wrongfully accusing Random of advocating for - that Cleary be kept as prisoner at the club and forced to play through his issues. There is no reason, based on the scant information currently/understandably available, not to query why the club have gone for a full release instead of a long term, unpaid leave of absence while retaining title in the player. If the financial benefit of the leave of absence option would be zero or negligible, noting Irish clubs wont pay much, then that makes the release probably the right choice. It doesn't make someone a monster for asking the question though.
  12. Others have said but have to wonder what TW could have achieved with a fraction of the hobbits budget (to add to the squad he had)
  13. Yeah my complaint that the club hadn't told us expats/immigrants about what was happening to the league games is explained/justified pretty much entirely by the league seemingly just deciding today. Still more than a little miffed about having paid all summer to not get the league Cup games though and there being no advance warning. That alone probably doesn't justify my full rant, but I think also at the time of my previous posts I'd been out at a very, very, very long brunch.
  14. Yeah agreed its quite transparent he's trying to offer up himself as a platform through which Davidson can save himself in fan eyes. Predictably he's embarrassing himself in the process.
  15. But what if after 1 year he hasn't adapted to the notoriously unique and high-level Scottish game after a total of 11 mins game time? Much worse than if his legs were to go by August.
  16. Robert Thomson suggesting the only reason the fans aren't happy with multiple 2 year deals being offered to risky end-of career signings is because Callum didn't have the chance to say in the media that we needed to offer those deals cos Liam Gordon got a wee injury.
  17. On the picture of the two of them stood on the pitch though it looks more like a medieval fancydan roushe. No idea how to spell it but, looks more Shakespeare than Lacoste no?
  18. It is not available for overseas. Not a single game has been this season despite the fact I've been paying over the whole summer. Not a single courtesy message from the club to advise that actually the league Cup games we pay for wouldn't be shown. Still absolutely zero idea whether any of the actual league games will be shown. Zero communication. f**k St Johnstone. f**k the board. f**k the management.
  19. A lot of fans of other clubs must be confused as to how the fans of any Scottish club can hate their double winning manager. I get it. When you look at it on paper it is mental that we hate him. Nonetheless. f**k callum Davidson. f**k him so fucking much until he fucking leaves. Get the f**k out you fucking fud.
  20. Another one for the amateurish pile is that the away kit announcement said it would be available for preoder early this week, yet the OS has nothing. On the plus side hopefully my small interest in buying it will have run out before its possible to do so, saving me a few quid.
  21. Briefly got excited that Jack Hamilton had signed for Hartlepool. Sadly its not the right one.
  22. My primary objection to signing the 'old' players in their mid 30s isn't the signings themselves necessarily (although they do show a disappointing lack of forward planning despite the valid justifications put forward by yellowbox) - the biggest issue is the 2 year deals. We all know players in their mid 30s can deteriorate rapidly and in some cases mid-season. In Considine's case it seems to have happened before he was signed. 1 year gambles on the such a player who can benefit the club in the variety of ways listed is fine. 2 year deals to players who could be toast in months is totally unacceptable.
  23. I'm sure there was a time when I'd find the prospect of new signings exciting. Callum Davidson has even stolen that from us.
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