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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. And I'll say the same if it helps the healing process. Damn Luton Town, Middlesbrough, Hearts and whoever else I need to kind-of condemn. If Rangers win the title next season I will regard it as 54+1. But Celtic are soon going to overtake Rangers for the number of consecutive titles gained without being liquidated (against their will) along the way.
  2. You genuinely can't see what links all those quotes? The material you've sent on seems sensible enough by the way regarding the licence stuff - I didn't realise people were arguing about that. However can you explain why the word 'club' is used throughout that article? A long standing claim throughout this thread is that club and company were synonymous until it suited Rangers fans to separate them. Youve never once (to my knowledge) acknowledged that. Yes you can argue that they *shouldn't* be the same and that people have it wrong, but at least acknowledge that all and sundry regarded (and continue to regard, going by that article) club and company as the same. If you cannot concede the blatantly obvious then you've got a bit of a cheek expecting others to concede ground on anything you say. What does amaze me is an article in 2016 by a Rangers fan that continues to use the word club in relation to financial matters. You guys can't have it both ways.
  3. Problem is Kincardine's biggest fan is also Kincardine so he's probably delighted with his own output. I just can't work out if he believes his own guff. I've never known such an articulate person to hold such idiotic opinions.
  4. So anyone disagreeing with Rangers fans is "flying the tricolour"? Have a word with yourself you deluded old goat.
  5. I wouldn't mind as much if he sought to educate all equally, but as he is only interested in pulling up non-Rangers fans, it's clear he is not bothered about English standards. It's just a dullard way to try and get one over on people he doesn't like.
  6. Yes I 'reliase' that and to be fair the joke is on Kincardine for thinking anyone gives a f**k. It's a football message board not an English class.
  7. OMG *another* missing apostrophe. Better get that edited before Kinky logs on and delivers a scathing correction. Wait a minute - My Team: Rangers. You'll be ok, forget I mentioned it.
  8. Be careful! Kinky won't stand for you missing out the apostrophe. Wait a minute, you're a Rangers fan, you'll be safe.
  9. It's a horrible, tasteless and disgusting piece of vandalism from some wee ned who is probably happy at the fuss it has caused. Whoever did it should have their hand cut off. I think almost everyone will be repulsed by this. But posting it in a thread about liquidation and admin, especially given your self-proclaimed mission on here is to annoy all non-Rangers fans and accuse everyone of "tears" every 2 seconds, it is not surprising people think you're throwing it into a high-traffic topic on the forum in order to lazily gain some moral highground. As an aside I'm afraid there are some Old Firm fans who are happy to use vile acts as a stick to beat the other half with. It would help if they were a lot more interested in the plentiful problems in their own support. Reporting people for sectarian singing would be a good start.
  10. I actually agree with all of this Ted. Bet you're delighted to have my approval
  11. Some people don't have your exemplary levels of honesty and integrity Vicky.
  12. Aside from the abandoned game situation, which I agree was wrong, have you got any specific quotes from Thompson to explain why the Bears hate him so much? Anything at all?
  13. Mike Ashley is an absolute bellend of the highest order. He takes everyone to court and loses, he gets almost as much wrong as Phil. Hopefully Newcastle go down and he can clear out of football as he's no good for anything he gets involved in. Dave King is still a lying criminal who shouldn't be trusted, but that doesn't make Mike Ashley immune from well-deserved criticism.
  14. Talking of obsessed, just noticed you've made your signature about me, what a delight Ted! No coincidence it came after last week when you went all wobbly and started breaking down. Only took about 5 posts too, piss easy. If I'm a dug then you can be my pet hamster, running about on its wheel like you run about deleting old posts :lol:
  15. Hey Ted! Just wondering, after you make the trip from Angus to Glasgow for "home" games, how do you spend the time before kick-off? Is that when you delete the old posts that may get quoted back at you, or do you do that in the evenings in between your 15 posts a day for the last 4 years? Do let me know.
  16. Petty: that would be dedicating your evenings to correcting the punctuation and grammar of people who don't support the same team as you.
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