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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. Irony alert. How many posts have you made here again?? P&B is actually your #1 hobby which is beyond tragic.
  2. Don't worry, Ted will be along shortly to insist it wasn't a sweeping generalisation at all - unless he only does that when it's Rangers fans. Much like I'm sure you correct Bennett's appalling abuse of the English language on a regular basis, because only correcting non-Rangers fans for the last year, then complaining about people not being fair with Rangers fans would make you look like a bit of a tît, wouldn't it? I waited till about your 50th sweeping generalisation before I had a go at you. Now I'm glad it's annoyed you, but if you don't mind I'll afford everyone else the same period of leniency before I have a go at them too. Hope that's alright with you chief.
  3. Hmmm who to believe - the people who have pulled him up for unfair sweeping generalisations about 20 times before me, or Stubborn Ted with his Rangers-tinted spectacles. It's a tough one for sure...
  4. Yes he did. And he's gone off on one again: "For sure The Diddies hunt in packs and exhibit 'group think'. Stating this doesn't make me a bigot." It's not "Some" diddies. There's no qualifier - it's "The" Diddies. He is the king of the derogatory sweeping generalisation. Bennett is the king of lies and exaggeration. You're just jealous.
  5. You called all non-Rangers fans "brain dead". And now you're actually trying to justify that. You're only digging a bigger hole. You seem incapable of separating the behaviour of a handful of posters from the behaviour of a massive group. But yet you bristle at anyone laughing at the Vanguard Bears, as though we're all daft enough to think the vanguard bears are a fair representation of Rangers fans.
  6. I like how you emphasise the disparity in opinions among Rangers fans before immediately following up with a bigoted sweeping generalisation about another group - a group which is larger and more disparate than Rangers fans. Seems to be a daily occurrence for you. For a self-styled intellectual you really are a bit of a thick cúnt.
  7. All part of some weird genetic need to put others down in order to feel the illusion of superiority. The inference of "never heard of him" is that his opinion doesn't count cause he isn't famous enough. How about this quote: "The club I gave blood, sweat and tears for is dead.". It's from the nine in a row captain Richard Gough. I presume they will accept his opinion because he's famous. Or how about this one from former communications director Jim Traynor: "Theyll slip into liquidation within the next couple of weeks with a new company emerging but 140 years of history, triumph and tears, will have ended. No matter how Charles Green attempts to dress it up, a newco equals a new club. When the CVA was thrown out Rangers as we know them died." Or this one from Steven Naismith: "I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."
  8. Come on Dave. You know fine well Bennett's word is gospel. He simply does not exaggerate. If he says Harkins is backtracking "like mad" then you can be certain that's exactly what's going on.
  9. Because he once created an alias called Vicky and got caught by the mods (same IP), but not until after he'd tried to invent some daft story to help him deny it. Moral of the story: 1. He lies at will. 2. He is utterly shameless.
  10. I'm not on Twitter and, like most people, I consider Phil an unhinged moron. It's clear you are obsessed with both Doleman and Phil though. But then again I don't imagine there's much else going on in your life, is there Vick?
  11. He's also very grateful to you for mentioning him a few times every single week on here. Good publicity. Who are you more obsessed with - Phil or Doleman?
  12. Yeah cause people disagreeing with your assertion of hatred totally proves your point..... I can't imagine how empty people's lives must be to support the Old Firm when they aren't from Glasgow. When the World Cup comes round, do these people usually support Brazil? "5 world cups, we welcome the chase!"
  13. You're still not getting it. I'm shocked. I clearly addressed and agreed with youngsy. I then went on to see if a man who (rightly) wants the word "Klan" banned from a forum is also partial to singing about being up to his knees in the red liquid of Roman Catholics -- I want to know if he's throwing stones from inside a glass house.
  14. No. That's when you choose to ignore or unfairly reject someone's initial accusation and instead throw back some other counter-accusation. It's a deflection technique aimed at pulling others down while avoiding looking yourself in the mirror. Whereas I agreed with youngsy on his point - Klan is unacceptable language IMO. Not the worst expression in the world but still wrong. So having answered this, it earns me the right to ask him something else. Not surprised you haven't understood the nuances of whataboutery after all this time.
  15. I think on balance The Klan should be banned. It's a step too far and there's no need for it. Just curious Youngsy: 1. How many times in the last 10 years have you sang the billy boys, or We Are Rangers? 2. How many Rangers fans have you reported to stewards for singing these songs?
  16. I actually have a bet I placed three months ago: a £10 double on Donald Trump to be Republican nominee (11/4), and Rangers to win the Scottish Cup (14/1). It's an insurance policy against the unthinkable. Regarding the psychology of Rangers fans, it's worth bearing in mind that they've had years of endless taunting on here and that must give rise to a siege mentality in those who aren't calm enough to handle the flak. People become entrenched and so the likes of Kincardine who (IMO) used to come across as a good-humoured guy, is reduced to taking extreme pro-Rangers views on everything, and hurling insults at idiotic diddies in most of his posts. Also, so many Rangers supporters are initially drawn to them because they are successful, so they have a bit of the spoilt child / school bully about them. They can't handle adversity, and so they will say and believe anything that makes them feel good, no matter how preposterous or unbalanced. That trait has only been exacerabted by the endless "yer club's deed!" stuff they've endured for years. And then there's Bennett who is a bastion of truth, balance, and integrity.
  17. Don't forget that raging controversial maniac from the BBC, Chris McLaughlin.
  18. I'm not getting why he doesn't understand this. I don't even think it's the usual "defend Rangers at all costs" thing, I think he's not getting the chain of events and what happened verbally versus email. 1 Verbal conversation first between Spiers and RFC director a while ago. 2 Hibs match with lots of naughty singing. 3 Then Spiers writes column where he says RFC don't seem to have mettle to address sectarian singing. 4 Then it all kicks off over email, where RFC says you can't say that about us. Spiers says he heard something worrying straight from a director, director denies it. 5 Herald cannot legally defend what Spiers has said about RFC not addressing sectarianism, so they have to apologise. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if an RFC director had said anything so stupid about TBB over email. I don't think any sane person is saying he has. So publishing emails would achieve hee-haw.
  19. You're flatly accusing a multiple award winning journalist of lying because he doesn't like Rangers. You're hardly in a position to accuse others of paranoia.
  20. I took it that it was a verbal conversation and then there was emails following his story. Tedi you are as biased as Bennett is prone to making things up. You can't just magically decide someone is definitely lying based on your personal opinion of them.
  21. If that's how you say it happened, then I am sure I'm not the only one who accepts your version of events as 100% accurate; free from all exaggerations, bent truths and lies. If only our journalists had your enduring integrity.
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