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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. I think I can solve this one. Remember the Golden Rule: Bennett is a genuine idiot with a fondness for lying, and no one should take anything he says remotely seriously.
  2. "Desperate stuff" would be deleting a chunk of old posts in case they get quoted back at you. Still at least you don't take this place seriously
  3. But he doesn't take this place seriously, apparently. So you must be mistaken. Deleting old posts in case they get quoted :lol: Tragic stuff.
  4. Off topic but will you be guaranteed a ticket for the final since you attend all the other games, or how does it work?
  5. Yes, we, I.e. Every regular non-bear on here who has no respect for just about anything you say. You may have noticed. And here's a hint: if you want to pretend to be amused, then lashing out and swearing all over the place isn't the best way to go about it.
  6. Sure it does Ted, we all believe you whenever you claim to find things funny. That'll be why you were about to pop a blood vessel arguing with me and calling all and sundry a c**t last week Face facts: you're a Bear and you're angry. Embrace your inner self.
  7. Let me know if that annoys you and I'll be sure to quadruple my post rate.
  8. Ha. Some of my friends still remember and remind me of that to this day. I'll never escape it. My dad also reminds me I once cried after Celtic beat Rangers 2-0 at Parkhead, game where 3 Rangers players got sent off. Think it was in the cup. Still, I don't miss it and find supporting my local team to be far more rewarding. I'm passionate about where I'm from and they are my team and I wouldn't have it any other way. But enough about me. Regarding "choosing" a team, I think we know most people don't wake up and choose a team one day like they might choose, say, a house. But success (and a lot of media coverage) definitely sustains people and keeps them attached to a club they might otherwise grow apart from.
  9. My dad took me to Ibrox. My dad bought me Rangers tops. But guess what, I got old enough and made my own choices.
  10. It's a lazy accusation many Bears throw out from time to time. Anyone disliking them is simply jealous of their success. That's because most Rangers fans themselves are heavily motivated by success; that's why they chose Rangers in the first place. They don't / can't / won't understand that diddies are motivated by supporting a team they identify with based on where they are from or where they live, so they assume we must be jealous. As many people say, if a diddy craved success so much then they wouldn't be a diddy fan in the first place.
  11. According to this http://spfl.co.uk/key-dates/ 4th and 7th are playoff 3rd place v 4th place 11th and 14th are playoff semi final 19th and 22nd are playoff final 21st is Scottish cup final Can't be right.
  12. I may have missed it, but what happens if Hibs get to playoff final? Are they going to have a fixture pile up resulting in them having to play 4 games in 9 days or something equally ludicrous, before the cup final?
  13. Two lies in such a short sentence. Bennett clearly in full Bennett Mode today: blogs, Twitter, Celtic, lies. You're actually obsessed with Magee. Of all the things in the world to be obsessed with
  14. * Evidence so far: Bennett's word () * Number of times Bennett has been asked where he's getting his evidence: 2 * Number of answers to that simple question: 0 Hmmm I'm struggling to see while people arent rushing to pass comment on this (apart from the various people who've already commented to say tax avoidance is heinous and must be punished, of course).
  15. Surely you're not suggesting Oor Vick has been getting his info from anything other than reputable, watertight sources? Hell, he probably even authored the Panama Papers himself. He certainly doesn't just repeat stuff he's read on Twitter or some blog without any credibility. Lord no. If it's not a watertight source the guy is simply not interested. And he certainly won't just avoid your question or give some vague answer. You'll get your source and you'll get it tonight.
  16. People who have called me a c**t : 1 angry Rangers fan. People who haven't called me a c**t : 8 billion others. It's a tough one for sure. Still I'll let you get on with your vegetable shopping.
  17. Judging by the number of times you've called me a c**t today, I'd like to thank you for being so rattled. Asking a hypothetical question about vegetable shopping = prying into Tedi's private life. What an utter spanner.
  18. 1. Where is your link to the interview? I originally provided BBC link and you said I hadn't listened to it, which I had. If there is another source then do share. In any case the majority of the ill feeling Wattie drones on about is very much Rangers feeling wronged. 2. Why no answer to the vegetable question? Do you just pick and choose what to respond to: * Things you can answer - reply * Things that show you up for an absolute tit who can't admit when he's wrong- ignore
  19. I don't hear the interviewer saying anything on the interview on the BBC website, it starts with WS answering the question. Where is the link and how many seconds in do you hear this? If this was said, there is no mention of which direction the ill feeling was coming. Sure there was ill feeling from other fans at the prospect of Rangers being given a free pass to continue in the top league. Quite right too. But the biggest amount of ill feeling in Scottish football at the time was coming from Rangers fans. I don't recall the diddies marching on Hampden and stamping their feet and blaming everyone else. In fact I don't know what they were marching on Hampden for, genuinely don't know what the SFA were getting it in the neck for. Anyone remember? Still it's nice of Wattie to confirm Rangers will be bitter for ever more (even though they wanted division 3 themselves). P.S. Ted - if your Mrs sends you to the shop for 5 different vegetables and you come back with 2, would you say "I got the vegetables" when you came home? I've asked this 3 times now and for the life of me I cannot work out why you have ignored it
  20. Let's not get into an argument over which one of us has the larger brain Ted. By the way when you say "within the Rangers ranks", do you mean all the Rangers ranks, or just some of them? Must be the latter since you didn't write 'all'. What a relief. Back on topic, 1 news outlet out of 4 is reporting it the way you like it. We don't all have to agree with your view. Scotsman article: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/rangers-should-stay-bitter-over-fourth-tier-put-down-walter-smith-1-4098228 Article is titled "Rangers should stay bitter" Just realised the BBC article actually shows the interview itself: http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/36025815 Go listen to the first 30 seconds. It's pretty clear he's talking about the thing that will "always stay" is his own club's "bitterness". He says it all in one sentence.
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