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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. 2 standard OF personality traits on show here: 1. Whataboutery, ie "yeah sure you caught me for murder but you can't jail me cause that guy over there assaulted someone and didnt get done for it". 2. The deluded, baseless assumption that they keep all the diddys afloat.
  2. Surely you're not suggesting rangers arent a massive global brand with at least a million fans across the planet??
  3. Any source for this? If true, Raith Rovers are now my 2nd favourite club.
  4. Jim Traynor is an alpha-grade bawbag, his works for a paper which relies on big Old Firm stories to make money. Therefore he is anything but objective.
  5. Then they can march on the SPL, and then Haudit & Daudit for holding everything up, and HMRC, and Dundee United, and then Alex Thomson, and any other enemies of Ra Peepul. Bunch of spoiled little schoolboys, lashing at out at anything and everything because they are unable to deal with the emotional blow of their club being without a chance of winning anything for a few years.
  6. That's because Rangers fans are mostly self-obsessed spoiled brats used to getting things their own way. They were never going to handle bad news in an even semi-philisophical way. I wonder if they'll have any toys left to throw out the pram by the time the SPL punishment is eventually delivered. I'm hoping for some titles being stripped off them.
  7. Understand your frustration but you might be better sending that to the SPL chairmen rather than addressing a throng of fans who despise rangers on an internet forum.
  8. Assuming they get liquidated and a newco is formed, then re all this business about them going to division 3 instead of SPL.... initially I was up in arms about them getting back into the SPL but the Rangers fans hate the idea of restarting in SPL under a points handicap. They know they couldn't win the league and they might end up 3rd... for a bigot gloryhunter that is a fate worse than death. I basically want the polar opposite of what Rangers fans want... my main consideration is that they suffer. If newco Rangers in the SPL with a points penalty is what hurts those b*****ds the most, then that is what I want to happen. Imagine them in SFL3, all piling up to Montrose and giving it the big 'un, trashing the place, flying their union jacks and scudding teams 6-0. Their knuckledraggers would lap it all up. So.... we should continue to tell the SPL chairmen how horrified we are that they are getting back into the SPL, the chairmen will hopefully react by imposing an even greater points penalty on them to try and pacifiy us all. It's a win-win situation.
  9. Chick will default to the most popular, superficial line on anything: livi, gretna, rangers. He is quite happy (presumably) for rangers fans to feel the benefit of the success they got while cheating, yet angry that they are being "punished" when justice comes calling. No one is fining rangers fans or taking them to court. All thats happening is sporting fairness is being (slightly) redressed. It beggars belief that chick cannot see this. Actually no, it doesn't.
  10. Their caveman-esque need to lash out at others is ridiculous. It's like the school bully being caught pissing his pants in front of the full assembly; unable to handle the embarrassment he comes storming out at playtime and tries to punch anyone he can see, to re-assert his position as the Chief Bawsack. Meanwhile the school all looks on and laughs at his piss-stained trousers.
  11. He was the chief protagnist of the "Gretna Fairytale" guff we had to endure on a weekly basis. He likes baseless fairytales because it suits his superficial, sensationalist style. When Gretna got their comeuppance, he stubbornly refused to acknowledge he'd been a key player in the whole mess, or even admit that what Gretna did was utterly wrong in every way. To admit he'd got it horribly wrong would be to admit he is a nothing but an ironically-comedic, vaucous mouthpiece. Fast forward 4 years and it is exactly the same situation with his nauseating fawning over SDM. Once again Chick's been found out to be a spineless cheerleading puppet, and once again he refuses whatsoever to acknowledge it, because he can't face up to what he really is -- a total and utter weasel making a sham living on the coattails of our national game.
  12. Did Chick Young say that? He used to say things like that on Radio Clyde before he switched stations, at which point he instantly started making the same dubious proclamations about Radio Scotland. If he moved to Radio Highlands & Islands it wouldn't stop him spouting his self-congratulatory drivel with zero basis in fact. I don't know anyone who remotely values his input on anything and yet he keeps getting paid; the only place he gets held to account is on internet forums.
  13. Indeed, it's a shame mainstream media are so out of touch with what so many people think. I think people like Chick Young have been in that job doing Old Firm coverage for so long, that he genuinely thinks his world is reality. He probably has no real concept how despised Rangers are by your average football fan because he lives in a world of press conferences and socialises with other journalists. It's like the St Johnstone chairman saying we need the OF. Football chairmen live in an alternate universe full of polished boardrooms, exclusive golf clubs and padded directors-box seats. They socialise with other people like themselves. They have never stood in a taxi queue next to some drunken bigot singing songs about terrorism; they have never sat in their home stand next to some arrogant OF fan who doesn't care he's in the wrong stand; they have never been escorted out of Ibrox/Celtic park for no reason by a heavy handed steward; they don't know what it's like to turn up at work and have no one care how your team did because they're all armchair OF 'fans'. They live in a bubble and they have never evolved to absolutely despise these clubs and their horrible supporters (with some exceptions of course). No, all the chairmen see is money & status. All the journalists see are OF stories. All the politicians see are votes. We shouldn't listen to any of them.
  14. Got a link for this? Pretty disgraceful if Rangers are treated differently to every other football club. HMRC voted against Dundee's CVA.
  15. There has to be a huge downside to doing this, otherwise why didn't Airdrie do it? Why don't Portsmouth do it? It seems so inherently unfair in a sporting context. I think if Rangers do go down this route, the SPL will privately welcome them in with open arms, but publicly slap them with a 30 point deduction, which will mean one season finishing 8th or something. After that it's business as usual, God Save The Queen, Rule Britannia, and two fingers up to diddy team fans everywhere.
  16. If New Rangers are allowed to keep all their previous league titles *and* start next season in the SPL, I may be forced to top myself. So unfair.
  17. Doncaster is a pompous lying twat. He is trying to crush the spirit of all justice-seekers by smiling at the cameras and implying that Rangers will be in the SPL next season. Remember this is the twerp who told us that the 10 team SPL was in the best interests of everyone and kept a straight face while saying that the time for self-interest was at an end. He's a certified bellend from the school of bellend studies. Good to see Petrie at least speaking out against Rangers, we need to put pressure on everyone else on that SPL board to do the right thing -- if your chairman is on that board, write to him and tell him you won't be going back if Rangers get voted in. Seriously, do it. Threaten to hit them where it hurts, if enough people do it then it might just tip the scales. Unthinkable things do sometimes happen -- if the World Trade Center can be destroyed, if Woolworths can go bust, then Rangers can definitely be thrown out the SPL. So let's get our chairmen's tongues off Doncaster's sweaty bawsack and make them listen to the people who really do matter. The fans -- the customers -- cannot be ignored without there being consequences.
  18. Are any tosspot ass-licking journalists going to ask Haud'n'Daud why they are taking so long compared to other administrations?
  19. Why were Airdrie unable to move their teapot to another box? And are Rangers more likely to be like Leeds or Airdrie?
  20. Noticed McCoist giving it "we will be back to out old selves soon", even Walter Smith saying "we'll never die, that's for sure", and every Rangers fan I speak to tells me "there's no way we'll not be in the SPL next season". They're so alien to dealing with adversity that their way of coping is just to make meaningless bold statements about how they'll be fine, obviously hoping that if they keep saying it, everything will be OK. Even when they're on life support, their arrogance never leaves them.
  21. Wonder if the media will be picking up on the admin team's complete inaction with regards to redundancies? They should ask some small business creditor how they feel about whittaker picking up another 20k this week at their expense, all because Haud and Daud havent done their job description yet.
  22. Either way SPL fans (and sponsors as per the Aberdeen fan above) should be making it clear to their club that they will not tolerate re-writing the rule book for New Rangers. At the end of the day the only thing football chairmen care about is money. We need to make it clear that clubs WILL suffer if they let Rangers back in just because they're Rangers. Rules are rules.
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