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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. Yeah just listened to it there.... Jim really comes across as the pantomime villian and I don't think Chick did much wrong. I don't think Chick is a nasty person (whereas Jim is) but Chick is just incompetent in general as a pundit.
  2. Jim Traynor is an p***k but he deliberately plays the part of a p***k because that's what the tabloids want -- another Gerry McNee. Chick on the other hand is (I think) genuinely not very bright, and will cling on to whatever popular opinion there is to be had on any given topic. His only useful function in broadcasting is to be the guy down by the dugouts who gets a quick word with the manager to ask how he's feeling during a game -- by its very defintion to do that job you need to be a bum-sucking happy-clappy sycophant. The BBC should tell him to stick to what he's good at, and stop allowing him to spread his childish, illogical opinions at the licence payer's expense.
  3. They were obviously haudin' Ra Peepul back from being a dominant force in Europe.
  4. Could the SFA fudge it and eject them from the Scottish Cup for, say, five seasons? Or does it have to be one season? If it's the latter then it has to be full suspension. FIFA will go crazy if its just a fine and one season out the cup.
  5. This would be a great time for whoever is sitting on the Souness / extra payments 'nuclear' a story to show their hand. Maybe then the SFA can justify expulsion more easily.
  6. Explusion too harsh but everything else too lenient. It works both ways. SFA have to either go too-harsh or too-lenient. Who's to say one is wrong and the other right? They're both wrong, but SFA have to do one of them.
  7. Well said. Here's a way to assess how many fans you have: ask yourself what your average crowd would be if you finished, say, 4th in the league, and admission was fixed at £20. What would Rangers have? 30,000 at a push? Now do the same for all the other teams in Scotland as a whole -- the whole of senior football, and juniors too. Rangers would have nearer 15% I think and I'm not joking. The problem is the media report so much on the Old Firm because they are winning all the time, and so the non-OF clubs don't feature in the media much, and therefore the non-OF fans don't bother with the radio phone-ins, and so the thick, sycophantic element amongst the media - of which Chick is chief offender - start to genuinely believe there is no life beyond the Old Firm, and so the viscous cycle continues. It staggers me that Chick is allowed to fabricate stats like this out of thin air and no one on air challenges him. He lives in the west of Scotland for a start, he has a skewed view of football fans. I sometimes wish there was a websites with various myth-busting articles on it that we can point Chick et al to when they spout such utter shameless garbage. If Chick said in 1985 that 40% of the population were Rangers fans you'd laugh in his face. He's a dangerous, lying idiot.
  8. Vintage Old Firm style Whataboutery from Goram. He probably posts on Rangers Media, just sounds thick and oh-so-arrogant. "Put us to division 3 and watch them squeal" -- he'd probably love other clubs to go bust as a result, all the while telling everyone else we need to be nice to Rangers. He's a cock. As for Chick, his claim that he has a "feeling" there's much more to come out.... he's probably been reading that comment on RTC overnight. So when it does come out in 1 month he'll say "I did say back at the end of May there might be much more to come out". Very good Chick. How about you go work as a circus clown after you lose your job, you Old-Firm-loving tit.
  9. Re your signature, Cockwomble is actually a noun, not an adjective. Just like twat, cocksocket, arsehole etc. "Cockwombley" would be an adjective. As in, "That Doncaster has a really cockwombley haircut".
  10. Astounding. I wonder if you cornered one of those knuckledraggers on their own and tried to get them to articulate why they were boycotting (e.g.) kilmarnock, what make-believe non-specific pish they would offer as a reason.
  11. @davidhillier's proclamation that HMRC are likely to agree a CVA on the basis that the regime has changed concerns me greatly: "HMRC CVA policy: when an insolvent firm has new owners, history of nonpayment is not important. New owners are what matters." I am always hearing how HMRC consistently reject CVAs, but the above statement could be significant.
  12. If someone was to phone up Clyde's Superscoreboard tonight and ask if they are planning on challenging Fat Sally to explain his outburst against the SFA panel, there would be predictable expaserated sighing by the likes of Keevins, who would quickly swat the caller away and have him cut off. In a nasal, condescending, Keevins tone: "Just what do you want us to do the man? Have him hung, drawn and quartered? He was speaking at a time when was extremely emotional and yet some people want to put the boot in. Was it wrong? Yes. Should we crucify him for it? No. Next caller please." And that would be the end of it. These guys are part of the system that is so wrong. They won't accept criticism of any kind. We all know they are sycophantic limp-wristed parasites with laptops; they never ask the awkward questions that fans want answers to. The problem is they are the ones who people listen to because they are the media. It's great credit to all the dissenters out there that our message *is* getting through, despite 95% of the media being desperate for Rangers to survive.
  13. 2 standard OF personality traits on show here: 1. Whataboutery, ie "yeah sure you caught me for murder but you can't jail me cause that guy over there assaulted someone and didnt get done for it". 2. The deluded, baseless assumption that they keep all the diddys afloat.
  14. Surely you're not suggesting rangers arent a massive global brand with at least a million fans across the planet??
  15. Any source for this? If true, Raith Rovers are now my 2nd favourite club.
  16. Jim Traynor is an alpha-grade bawbag, his works for a paper which relies on big Old Firm stories to make money. Therefore he is anything but objective.
  17. Then they can march on the SPL, and then Haudit & Daudit for holding everything up, and HMRC, and Dundee United, and then Alex Thomson, and any other enemies of Ra Peepul. Bunch of spoiled little schoolboys, lashing at out at anything and everything because they are unable to deal with the emotional blow of their club being without a chance of winning anything for a few years.
  18. That's because Rangers fans are mostly self-obsessed spoiled brats used to getting things their own way. They were never going to handle bad news in an even semi-philisophical way. I wonder if they'll have any toys left to throw out the pram by the time the SPL punishment is eventually delivered. I'm hoping for some titles being stripped off them.
  19. Understand your frustration but you might be better sending that to the SPL chairmen rather than addressing a throng of fans who despise rangers on an internet forum.
  20. Assuming they get liquidated and a newco is formed, then re all this business about them going to division 3 instead of SPL.... initially I was up in arms about them getting back into the SPL but the Rangers fans hate the idea of restarting in SPL under a points handicap. They know they couldn't win the league and they might end up 3rd... for a bigot gloryhunter that is a fate worse than death. I basically want the polar opposite of what Rangers fans want... my main consideration is that they suffer. If newco Rangers in the SPL with a points penalty is what hurts those b*****ds the most, then that is what I want to happen. Imagine them in SFL3, all piling up to Montrose and giving it the big 'un, trashing the place, flying their union jacks and scudding teams 6-0. Their knuckledraggers would lap it all up. So.... we should continue to tell the SPL chairmen how horrified we are that they are getting back into the SPL, the chairmen will hopefully react by imposing an even greater points penalty on them to try and pacifiy us all. It's a win-win situation.
  21. Chick will default to the most popular, superficial line on anything: livi, gretna, rangers. He is quite happy (presumably) for rangers fans to feel the benefit of the success they got while cheating, yet angry that they are being "punished" when justice comes calling. No one is fining rangers fans or taking them to court. All thats happening is sporting fairness is being (slightly) redressed. It beggars belief that chick cannot see this. Actually no, it doesn't.
  22. Their caveman-esque need to lash out at others is ridiculous. It's like the school bully being caught pissing his pants in front of the full assembly; unable to handle the embarrassment he comes storming out at playtime and tries to punch anyone he can see, to re-assert his position as the Chief Bawsack. Meanwhile the school all looks on and laughs at his piss-stained trousers.
  23. He was the chief protagnist of the "Gretna Fairytale" guff we had to endure on a weekly basis. He likes baseless fairytales because it suits his superficial, sensationalist style. When Gretna got their comeuppance, he stubbornly refused to acknowledge he'd been a key player in the whole mess, or even admit that what Gretna did was utterly wrong in every way. To admit he'd got it horribly wrong would be to admit he is a nothing but an ironically-comedic, vaucous mouthpiece. Fast forward 4 years and it is exactly the same situation with his nauseating fawning over SDM. Once again Chick's been found out to be a spineless cheerleading puppet, and once again he refuses whatsoever to acknowledge it, because he can't face up to what he really is -- a total and utter weasel making a sham living on the coattails of our national game.
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