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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Magic mushy season is just about upon us. I see tons of them where I live when walking the dog. Tempted to pick enough for a trip but I do remember the last time I did and had to face the missus, boy O' boy that was fucking scary.
  2. I'm not too sure if I'd be a regular RC! Been following this thread for a week or two and thought I'd post my results any ways. Not sure if you'd like someone who might miss out a week or two tbh. Also The_KInk might think I'm stalking him.
  3. Cheers, had a looky see on the web and it appears to have a high review on most sites. I will definitely keep the Canon in mind, thanks.
  4. Absolutely, no shame in making a c**t of it sometimes. I was typing a reply and the missus kept chatting over me posting, totally put me right off. I'm glad the dumb Sevco Bois got a wee chance to feel superior.
  5. Probable SPFL Premiership title challengers and Europa league contenders imo.
  6. Aye, aw right I fucked it. And tried to cover my arse in glory. I made a couple of f**k ups actually. Damn Mrs Hellbhoy! pestering me to do shit whilst I was typing and lost the plot trying to do it in a hurry, you happy noo?
  7. Mon Dieu, you done the M9's so how about mibees a "Celbernian Alliance" one. Go on, you know you want too.
  8. Took a few pictures recently with the digital camera, got pissed right off with it. Aye sure it takes a great picture, eventually after doing it's shit to stabilise and focus, frustrating. I am in the market for a decent digital camera "body" if you can do such a thing and then buy varying lenses at a later date. Having tried to capture some swallows in a field near me and they were flying like feet away from me anticipating the capture click to it actually rendering a pic through it's clever trickery I missed the shot probably by at least a second. What I am looking for is the old fashioned method of using a view finder through the lens and then manually using the focus and zoom myself. I kid you not I am going up the wall because I used to do film photography as a hobby many moons ago and I find a manual zoom and focus through the lens against your eye brow a far superior way to take the best shot and stable at that. I hate holding the camera with two hands looking at a wee LCD view finder out in front of you because it's a terrible way to take a pic with your arms being unstable taking particular angles and waiting for the damn thing to focus, Arghhhhh. What options are there for using a digital camera the exact same way as you would a film camera? All the bells and whistles are gratefully appreciated like 4K or 1080p, rapid fire mode taking many frames a second. I'm sure there are cameras that suit my requirements, I'd just like to get some feedback from posters who may already have experience with cameras I am thinking of buying.
  9. Is there a problem? I actually like that mistake now, thanks for pointing it out cunto.
  10. Aye OK, I made a boo boo and misquoted by not including "Champions" before League. I'm terribly sorry chaps it won't happen again.
  11. We lost 3 games in the league last season and around half a dozen European games, go figure it out Bennett-lite.
  12. Kincardine got totally rattled by getting called out on his internet history trolling Celtic websites. I laughed at him, and then came his back up. I think there was a bear mauling for me but I fail to see where this has happened yet tbh. Was more like a mauling from a deep sheep. I posted that The Rangers have a dedicated Wiki page which no other club has about the ownership of The Rangers and posted a quote and now to see if I get any bites. They appear to be ignoring the bait thus far. I do wonder why? Wiki page claims that an incorporated company acquired Rangers back in 1899 and have posed the question to the resident bears seeing as I can't find a thing about this incorporated company acquiring Rangers in 1899, although I have found news archives about the club itself becoming an incorporated entity enjoying the benefits of limited liability. Other than that it's business as usual laughing at the horde.
  13. I'm popular. I get many replies to my posts from Sevco supporters. Actually they seem to fall over themselves to reply first at times.
  14. You need to stop pretending you have a job. And also might help if you get your hole, might stop you wanking yourself into an idiot poster.
  15. The opposite KB, but you wouldn't know this seeing as you avoid posting in The Rangers threads. Also QC? Has your intellect taken a pounding by lowering yourself to the numpty The Rangers support who regularly embarrass themselves on The Rangers threads.
  16. I had to go to Wiki and find out what that [1] was all about. A dedicated page no other club has about how the ownership of The Rangers? Whit the actual f**k is this quote below all about? This should be fun Bob, just how exactly did an incorporated company acquire Rangers? I thought the club became the incorporated company back in 1899, I could be wrong but that's pushing the oil tanker out instead of a boat, but I'd like to read from you how an incorporated company acquired Rangers. How much money was involved in this takeover, was it a hostile one? Ownership of Rangers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ownership_of_Rangers_F.C.
  17. Awww, look at you frothing at the mouth at being outed as the fanny you are. So much rage you forgot to type "you" after "knew". You only post in the Celtic threads to post your bile and pish when a few of the Celtic fans embarrass us Celtic fans on P&B. And also when Celtic get beat which will explain your lack of posts in Celtic related match threads moron. Over the past week you have infected particular Celtic related threads haven't you? or do I need to multi-quote dozens of your shite? I am particularly gutted for you last night when Celtic pulled off a shock win in Norway depriving us on P&B with your witty/crowdwanking style of posts about how pish/shite Celtic are for failing to get into the Champions League. Fucking gutted for you, I really am. I have reviewed all the thread games Celtic have lost over the past few years on P&B, and last year was the least ever you had posted on them, I do wonder why?
  18. Seriously tae f**k man? Any OF fan trying to score points over the other arse cheeks embarrassing endeavours is like looking & talking to a mirror, it only makes you look a fanny trying to belittle each other as each clubs fans do their best each season to outdo one another in the knuckledraggiing race. You should know better F_B, how long before one of your mob outdoes anything any Celtic supporter has done so far this season?
  19. Tell her you'll go to the divorce celebrations and party in a few months after the wedding. Or better still tell her to go to the wedding if it's her pal and not yours.
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