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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Meh, using elaborate wording to circumvent a direct answer to a question posed to you is generally known as avoiding, but you have to use the rhetorical version to make yourself look smart when others can view you are just at it.
  2. Easy of the soda?, how pissed are you and can you reply,retort to my post earlier with the screen shot?
  3. I never been to war so I've never needed them, on the other hand there is nothing and no limit you will drop to to derail the thread from it's intended purpose. Would you like to make a comment on the screen shot below? Go Kinky, try and make some sort of coherent pish to engage in discussion of the evidence that proves you now support a new Rangers FC.
  4. You got a complete brass neck to accuse me of slipping my standards ffs.
  5. Let's keep it on topic eh?, if you want personal chat then send MT a private message and stop derailing the thread with drunken ramblings thank you very much.
  6. I do wonder how long before the orc horde catch on before they march upon them to have it taken down?
  7. You don't need to go around in circles about UEFA, SPL, SPFL, SFA, ASA etc etc etc. Just quote the stupidity of the Rangers support trying to rewrite history to suit their demented agenda. Note how the bears have stopped rattling on about continuity, same club, the correct usage of the slash and so on because they know they can't argue the truth. I still can't believe myself that "Club 1872" actually posted that less than a month ago destroying their same club continuity myth.
  8. Some brass that Kingy eh?, I could never polish diarrhoea to be that shiny.
  9. Or the easy option would be just to post this instead of going around in circles. It explains how the club became a limited liability unlike the new club which is a complete liability, note no use of company status and whatnot.
  10. Fluff n helps administering the pleasure of ejecting the liquidated company Kinky.
  11. There is only one way to counteract Thedi's post deletions, quote everyone of his posts so that when he deletes posts they are still available for viewing and most importantly for ridicule should he do the usual by posting self exploding backfiring content. I also noticed since I returned back earlier in the week the bears haven't posted anything about being the same club.
  12. Those long sessions with your psychiatrist are finally paying off Ryan.
  13. Are "The" Rangers going to go bust like the last Rangers?
  14. Maybe he likes doing a spot of fishing? and maybe if you take a step back you might see the hook.
  15. Mental gymnastics & Gin? Explains the multiple uses/contexts of the slash you've been posting for no good reason. You still didn't comment on my earlier posts about the accuracy of it's contents showing up the club you now support to be a completely different club from the club you used to support? You just derailed it by posting pish and then deliberately/obtusely engaged in some bawbaggery over usage of the English grammar and what not.
  16. Should I have a plain club biscuit with tea or should I be naughty and have an orange club biscuit with coffee?, decisions, decisions eh! Should I be greedy and have the two club biscuits and that is my argument.
  17. Nah the auld fart is being smart/clever for the fun of it. He is playing the continuity card by putting forward the club can exist without any legal recognition. You know that "in common speech" thingy where the SFA and former SPL try to dupe us that a club can exist in the ethereal quantum physics space time continual alternate universe entropy No one can touch it, see it or hear it but it's still there after death and we the SFA/SPL recognise this entity through the sixth sense "I see and hear dead clubs" and Rangers FC has taken a new host in "Sevco Scotland" and therefore shall being known as "The Rangers Football Club" and lay claim to the possessions of "Rangers Football Club" as their possessions. So there you have it Rangers are Rangers apparently by demonic possession of Sevco Scotland.
  18. I see what you did there you auld fart. It's not the same club argument here you auld twister, it's the two club argument I was posting about. One came into this world in 1872 and then left this world aKa, deid as a Dodo in 2012 and then funnily enough another Rangers FC was born after the 1872 version hadn't even gotten a proper burial.
  19. As I said auld timer "thick & stupid", did you read the post or did you just home in on a piece of the post you actually had the stupidity to argue your demented viewpoint? The club even before incorporation still had legal recognition within the law and the members would have been held accountable for the clubs debts should the club had been liquidated in their lifetime. Got it? So they changed the way "THE CLUB" was structured legally with "LIMITED LIABILITY". Meaning the club could now trade shares in the club/new company and the members/shareholders ! note the slash here Kinky and its context?, wouldn't face debts should the club/company get liquidated in their lifetime after 1899. Short answer?, NO.
  20. OK, here goes. When it comes to Rangers fans, thick & stupid come to mind over this club is separate from the company pish. But dumb and dumber springs to the forefront when they can't even keep up or maintain this deluded ideology by actually posting on their websites evidence to the contrary that clearly states as a fact that the club is actually the company itself that traded in footballing activities. Dumb number 1 is wait for it, the custodians of the history of the club called "The Gallant Pioneers" who not once but twice on their website boast about the clubs first meeting as a Ltd company and secondly when it held its very first AGM as a Ltd company, "AS A LTD COMPANY" being the operative words here. I have taken the liberty of supplying a screen shots just in case the dumb asses find out and then change their web page to say otherwise. Their stupidity can be found on their website via the link below. http://blog.thegallantpioneers.co.uk/wp/?p=378 Dumber number 2 is none other than the now infamous "Club 1872", even more astonishingly here is the date the article was created and posted on their website? 22nd of fecking June 2016, less than a month ago ffs. How damn stupid can these numpties be to post evidence that doesn't hint or suggest they follow a new club but, absolute concrete proof that they do follow a new club and all this the club is separate from the company pish damns the club into liquidation by the club being said company currently being liquidated. Club 1872 even states in the article that this is an interesting read?, indeed, especially if when it states the club becoming a Ltd company and the demographic of "THE CLUBS" shareholders and no mention of a separate company. In fact further into the article they actually explain how the club and it's members changed the way the club was structured and governed by limited liability, nice. Club 1872's stupidity can be found on their website via the link below. http://club1872.co.uk/blog-public/in-the-spirit-of-the-gallant-pioneers/ I do wonder if the bears on P&B will argue with A, the clubs history, and B, their own fans?
  21. Glass half full Cloners?, still won't matter because we got stuffed from one of the smallest clubs in the Champions League and as long as we are members of P&B we will never ever be allowed to forget it.
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