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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. What's getting lodged and who is lodging who and what is getting lodging in and where?
  2. Kinky hasn't posted for a while?, your spelling and grammar must be giving him severe headaches and sooo much rage.
  3. If his posting content is something to go by then I dread to think what he does in his home.
  4. There's something in the air tonight wi the bears. After years of denial they can't stop posting about their club Sevco.
  5. Glad to see you still have the bookmarks for instant recall on what other posters have posted. I can't be arsed going back through the big thread but in all honesty, but you have made a complete cock of yourself at times/many times/all the time. And yet you still have the stupidity to post shit you got your arse roasted for many times like we would forget. Anyhoo miss me much.
  6. Ya upset pet? Anyone who creates multiple aliases on an internet forum has an even worse existence. Cheers for sticking Thedi in, awfy kind of you Blue.
  7. Well done chump. You have now stuck Tedi right in it and your posts hints/suggests/says etc etc etc that Tedi is in fact Vanderlei and that you knew this all along.
  8. Typical?, all the bet showed that there were two differing IP addresses. Stating that they are different people in reality is pushing it a bit especially when you can use proxy's to hide your IP address. Now if you could offer definitive proof that'd be the end of it.
  9. I think you'll find if you go back a page, Vandal openly invites anyone to take up the bet. Keep up young man.
  10. ? "this Tedi guy" ? And here was probably all of us thinking the blue tits all flocked together in unison collaborating with each other against the P&D's and are best buddies. The mask slipped there methinks when terminology is used to distance yourself from?, well yourself. Also known as a Freudian slip. Most posters would have posted "you're utterly rattled by Tedi" when quoting other posters. Edut fur Kinkster and bhad glamma
  11. Plenty of ways to appear online from different locations from the same PC if you know yer stuff, proxy's are a good method to do that even from the same browser with multiple tabs open????, aw fcuk I've showed him how to have 20 aliases online at the same time.
  12. Ok, you have two mobile phones then, I don't really care anyway. It really is too much of a coincidence that you asked about the charity bet just as Thedi is online and within minutes is dotting yer posts.
  13. His £200 charity bet is a busted flush because he was thick enough to log in on his Thedi account and Vanderlei account at the same time. He doesn't do stupid by half measures.
  14. I see Thedi is online repping his own alias, how many sim cards do you think the fhud has? Strange coincidence both appear at the very same time eh?
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