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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Rangers supporting pals near me expect to finish within 10 points to Celtic thereabout, that is some benchmark they expect and don't even factor in Aberdeen because they see 12 points in the bag against Aberdeen.
  2. Yup, that's the mentality I have encountered outside P&B. The Celtic are shite and there for the taking and somehow their free agents and lower league players have the stuff of Champions League winning sides. None of their players bar one have had any top tier title challenge experience and the pressure will probably tell especially if Aberdeen become the main threat to Celtic whilst they are fighting off the best of the rest for a Euro spot. Celtic lose a game to a much weaker opposition and suddenly the orcs are shouting how shite we are, The Rangers lose to a much weaker opposition and somehow it becomes only a blip. Warped logic by them.
  3. See there's yer supports problem right there BWM?. they have put a huge pressure on this squad to compete in the top flight for the title. Most of your squad don't have that type of experience, how will they cope with the pressure? A few early bad results and the fans will show their disappointment putting even more pressure on the squad to win and win at all costs. Personally, I don't think this current squad has what it takes. The manager only has one formation and tactical approach and his substitutions are almost set in stone when he makes them.
  4. Excellent contribution Benny, will read again for it's amazing insight.
  5. "LIMITED LIABILITY" and what it means to be in "LIMITED COMPANY". Because of recent events from 2012 there has been a complete revamping of what the above actually means in a business sense. Rangers Football Club before 1899 was the business that paid taxes as an association of members, but it was the business legally recognised by the law as the entity in question. "LIABILITY", this meant that the association members were held for complete liability of the business's debts should the club/business become victim of being unable to pay off it's debtors. The up side to this arrangement was that the members could share out all the clubs profits between themselves without question. The "CLUB", "Association members", adopted the governments law statutes of the protection of "LIMITED LIABILITY" , meaning should the Club/business be unable pay off it's debts the members had a "LIMITED LIABILITY", meaning they were no longer held accountable for all the clubs debts and were only held accountable to the level of investment they put into the club. If one had invested £1,000 then that was the amount they were liable for and not a penny more. The down side to the arrangement was that the new shareholders, former members of the association couldn't now share all the profits between themselves any more. They either took a wage or a cut of the profits, they couldn't just help themselves to any money in the club just because they could. "COMPANY", often these days referred to as an entity, this is not the case because it is an agreement with the government/HMRC. How so?, the business/club signed off on legal documents to protect any creditors to the business/club should it fall into financial trouble. It is referred to as being in company with the law and the legal system, a partnership if you like. It is not and never will be a separate entity ever because it is an arrangement/agreement/partnership etc, Rangers FC est 1872 lost it's company status/arrangement to the law/legal system because it fell foul to it's obligation to pay off it's debts. The club/entity/business then went through the laws that wound up business's that failed to reach an agreement with its creditors and then into liquidation of the business's assets to pay off the creditors at a fraction of it's debts owed. What the corrupt associations, SFA & SPL have done is try to con everyone that being in company with the HMRC/government is a recognised legal entity, it is not and never will be because it is an agreement/accord. For some Rangers fans who will try to argue the club lives on and this defunct legal arrangement released the club from it's limited liability to then create another limited liability within the law, fcuk off. The club cannot live on as if it was still completely intact to then make another company agreement or another "limited liability" with the law/HMRC. As far as the HMRC as concerned they are liquidating a business/club that went bust chasing the dream, Rangers Football Club went out of business and another separate similarly named business then bought over the dead business's/clubs assets and traded in name to something similar to the entity/club that went bust. A continuation of another dead business but not the exact same business.
  6. Cold Fusion & free energy. Might look like a pipe dream at the moment but might grow some legs in the future. Both have the potential to produce plenty of cheap energy. They say nuclear energy is cheap but do not factor in the costs of decommissioning or the cost of a nuclear meltdown. Renewable is best for the environment?, apparently, but comes at a higher cost and my bills are already too high. If I were to choose without factoring in the cost of pence per unit, I'd deffo go for renewable. You should see the forest of wind turbines from where I live.
  7. That screen-shot came from Club 1872's very own website Benny. It's not like Rangers fans would post things on their official websites that contradict the same club mythology is it?, I mean they wouldn't be that stupid that on the 16th of June this year they told the story of how Rangers FC never got that mythical company to blame all it's cheating and corruption on, and it really was the club itself that engaged in unprecedented levels of bawbaggery that eventually lead to the clubs demise and then death by financial asphyxiation. Are Rangers fans really that stupid?, I await your reply.
  8. Wait I know this one!, buried on the 12th of July. The dug is orange isn't it?.
  9. Sevco's fans in the old 3rd division, the 1st division and in the Championship, the cries before Warbs warbed in, "fucking wage thieves the lot of them", "stealing money from the unemployed to play hoof ball".
  10. I posted this on the 12th of July when I walked back into the forum that confirms by the club and it's own fans Rangers died.
  11. Sorry Tedi, I worded that bit wrong. RANGERS International Football Club PLC Unaudited Results for the six months to 31 December 2015. That was what I meant?, I assume now that they will release their accounts unaudited for the year ending June 2016 and that was my question. Unless there has been a development and they have indeed hired a chartered accountant for the fiscal year. If they haven't than questions will need to be asked about our home associations requiring clubs to surrender audited accounts to participate in the leagues and cup competitions.
  12. He had a monumental meltdown on Monday night accusing me of trolling him and shit like that. The troll got trolled and didn't like it. I could almost hear him crying to his mummy that HBQC was bullying him on the internet.
  13. But!, but?, it's full of Rangers related threads you drunken old rambler. Have you forgotten already you've been polluting random threads with your Thesaurical Gin induced multisyllabic concoction of cryptic dross all evening ffs?
  14. Efe Ambrose linked to Sevco on a swap deal, Sevco take Ambrose and Celtic pay off Sevco's debts but Celtic will still profit from his loss with a run in the Champions League.
  15. Obese'd by the Champions by the number of X's before the letter "L" on their replica tops more like.
  16. I've been away for a good while, so can someone knowledgeable get me up tp speed from?, since around the start of the year. I don't need that the thread has been the worst place on P&B to post on. I just want to catch up on possible outcomes that threaten the youngest club in the leagues. Did Sevco punt out thier last set of accounts were unaudited?, is that even legal within the SPFL & SFA?, have they bent the rules again so Sevco can compete in the leagues? Surely an unaudited set of accounts has ruled Sevco out of qualifying for European footy?, and that they now have to wait for at least another 3 years to participate. Any dodgy rumours about Davie slant eye running the club in illegal activities. Mon peeps let's get this back on track.
  17. Messi is next to be linked, he's a tax dodger. He needs somewhere to launder his money so might actually pay to play.
  18. Sure thing and no probs Benny, here it is in traditional Chinese for you. That any better.
  19. It's not like Dodgy Eyed Dave widnae use ra mighty Rangers/Sevco to launder money is it?, I mean it's not like he did it with the deidco is it? Probably explains why the clumpany has been de-listed so no fucker knows whit is going on in da big hoose. edut fhur typoo
  20. Update on the deid as a dodo Rangers FC's progress and their paltry £18million cash pot. Sauce, http://m.heraldscotland.com/news/14620617.New_hope_for_Rangers_creditors_as_legal_claim_on___18m_oldco_liquidation_pot_is_dropped/ Mon Hector, stick the boot right intae them.
  21. Just for you MT to get the Big Thread back on course. Borrowed from Ragers Medjia. It would appear that King is using Sevco for money laundering. Never seen that one coming.
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