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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. ^^^^ Believes the same club myth. I find being happy to be lied too just because you want to believe even more baffling than accepting the truth.
  2. I don't mind the decent Rangers fans on here, but there are a few numpties who deserve the insults etc for their posting content and general behaviour on the forum.
  3. The tiny brain of a goldfish Ted. The SPL hired a law lord to basically parrot out that the SPL were complying with their own rules and regulations to somehow give it some credence because a law lord was chairing a fixed outcome in favour of a dying institution. For the avoidance of any doubt the hearing wasn't held in any court numbmut, Lord Nimmo was a hired adjudicator in a rigged outcome much like me making up some fudged rules then hiring some law lord to basically say that according to my rules you are the thickest fucker on P&B.
  4. The egg came before the chicken, well according to Darwinian theory. Dinosaurs evolved into birds and Dinosaurs laid eggs, therefore a chicken eventually evolved after it came out of an egg. I await my Nobel prize.
  5. A woman went to the doctors. The doctor asked what was her ailment and she replied that she had a very high sex drive that her husband couldn't keep up with and could he do anything about it. The doctor told her to take her clothes off behind the screen, she went behind the screen and said "Where do I put my clothing?", the doctor replied "Oh, just put them on top of mine".
  6. Finally a Rangers statement^^^^ Not too impressed by the content though but expected.
  7. You are not joking either, they are already planning a protest march to Hampden. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?/topic/300465-hampden-protest/ I'm sure Tedi Wallace, The Bennett and The_Drunk have already signed up and Bennett is already planning out his new Zombie banner for the march.
  8. Try the Techradar website on how to control updates on Windows 10, tells you how to control and manage how your OS downloads and installs updates. I wouldn't know if it works as I'm currently running Windows 7 because I have a lot of expensive XP programs I like to use. http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/how-to-control-updates-on-windows-10-1307070 Hopefully this is helpful Jimmy.
  9. Cheers Dave, I thought it was marriage that caused that.
  10. The troll gets trolled and doesn't like it. Look?, if you are going to post pish, then expect someone to reply to tell you you have posted pish and to then rip the pish oot of ye. It's simple arithmetic, but then again f**k all adds up inside your head does it?
  11. Aye, that's right Benny, absolutely spot on assessment of the podcast. I'll bet you could predict my next post to one of your insightful replies.
  12. Ah?, "dickngub" syndrome. My wife suffers from that, I'm never there when she suffers from it, the c**t next door is always there to help her when she has an episode.
  13. They will be as we speak looking for a guy named something or other second name "over" with a vest on. So they can then point out there's Over in vest for you lot, you happy now.
  14. The Rangers. Sitting in 5th place. 3rd equal worst defensive record in the league. 2nd equal worst scoring record. Have a minus goal difference. Title challengers. My arse.
  15. Wish I was a Mod, I'd change the thread title to "The hello and cheerio Rangers thread", that'd be some title if Bartgate is the needle that broke the camels back and ended the journey for clone V .01.
  16. I think I can hear you drowning in your sorrows from here. Are you pishing salty water into your toilet duck?, you know that thing you do to recycle whatever the f**k it is you are clearly losing the plot too and then passing it off as being environmentally friendly and saving the most endangered species on the planet called a Rangers FC. Are you? Now if you reply to this and call it a word salad of sorts, then I suggest you go back and read all the posts you have submitted today, sober of course.
  17. I hope Barton gave it his all when punching his team mate to win a fight.
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