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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. European football for Scottish clubs isn't anything like it was over a decade ago, no club immediately gets to the group stages guaranteeing a cash windfall. Scottish clubs must negotiate through the qualifiers and with our coefficient being terrible we face the bigger leagues nearer the group stages. So even if Rangers do qualify for Europe the most likely scenario is failing a round or two before the group stages. In some cases the club will lose money from certain fixtures because they have no real money to offer from playing foreign teams in leagues thousands of miles away with opposition no one is likely to have heard of.
  2. I agree the journey could take a fascinating twist, but where along the journey and by what is the key moment. I think the lack of investment over the next couple of seasons in the top flight will be too much for some who have been brought up during the Murray's EBT driven squad era. After decades of being the team to catch and chase whilst winning silverware and lots of it domestically the lack of success may be the final straw for some. All the talk of not buying ST's next season if the board do not find or fund the required money to compete for the title is definitely a catch 22 situation. They sat back and watched their club die and now they are threatening to destroy the cloned club by sitting back down again until some sort of cash Messiah shows up throwing cash at the squad. I know for certain the worst thing they fear most is seeing Celtic possibly attaining ten in a row and much worse!, cruising to 55 top tier titles a few years after that. If that happens there could be a seismic shift in the support reverting back to supporting their local team hopefully.
  3. Just google proxy and choose one from abroad. Be sure it's a trusted free proxy though like the one below where you can choose which country you wish to use. https://www.proxysite.com/
  4. They are starting to panic and paranoia is setting in. The closer it gets to Celtic possibly attaining ten in a row will be too much for them if they are still having financial difficulties fielding an average side. Public unrest and anarchy could prevail.
  5. I agree there, zips are a nightmare on the nutsack and ripping out hairs. Downside to the button fly, when absolutely hammered trying to button up the fly can be like solving a Mensa puzzle at times.
  6. The old red Glasgow underground carriages before the made them into the clockwork orange. I used to stay in Kellas St in Govan right next to where there was a spiral track that took the carriages to the surface for cleaning and repairs. Seats were much more comfortable in the old carriages.
  7. These magazines were all the rage in the early 80's And then came smash hits magazine which gave rise to the well known joke at school and beyond. You huvnae got a look in pal because everybody is buying smash hits, and then came the customary punch in the shoulder.
  8. Seriously?, if you turn that Rorschach pic 180 degrees you will see what looks like a wee vampire bat in the middle of it. The first Rorschach pic I mean.
  9. Well played Zen. I see a Dalmatian if it helps you see into my mental state of being.
  10. I just heard some glass shatter on your end there Bennett, are you alright?
  11. Duly greenied. Wage thieves anaw apparently, but I think it's great value for the lolza's it provides.
  12. Then they'd have next to no fans attending fixtures, I'd guess.
  13. Seen this being explained on Ragers Medjia not so long ago. Comes from the word to Tarry, be lazy or to go slow.
  14. Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion but creep is taking it a bit far. I may be an idiot at times but I don't do creepy. Dear Lord, Firstly I wasn't banging on the F5 button all night, I did have other things I was doing but now and again I had a peek. If you know anything about this forum is that when things like what happened yesterday with the rep system there are real screwballs who lose their shit and make many many aliases only to get binned. I did hope that there were a few heads gone alias/bogus accounts to have some fun with.
  15. Thanks, awfy nice of you. Be sure to name me in the people you don't like for no reason thread.
  16. I was hungry and decided to get a bag of McCoy's crisps. First there was the noise of getting the multi-pack from the cupboard, rustling like hell and then the door closed like I had slammed it then the opening of the new multi-pack was a nightmare trying to pull the bag open and then the fuckers fell on the floor after the bag ripped right open, then the noise picking the felled bags up, f**k that was torture and then eating them was like breaking up pieces of wood in a cruncher. Still no one woke up though.
  17. I stayed on the forum till late last night because of what transpired that day to see which banned poster made a come back to reek their demented revenge before getting banned again. A few beers too much and I thought making a c**t of a noise all over the house. The flushing of the toilet sounded like Niagara falls ffs.
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